I laughed, letting my arms drop to my sides. "Wow, you really remember nothing when you're drunk. I own that club," I explained, watching her. "And you broke into my office, which is off-limits to customers. You went into my balcony, nearly fell off the railing, and almost died." 

She stared at me, her lips parting and jaw falling slack in shock. She frowned, marching up to me. "Do you think I'm stupid to believe that story?" 

"Are you calling me a liar?" 

"Yes," she scoffed. 

I took a step forward and she quickly retreated, walking around the bed. Each step I took forward, she took one back until she had nowhere to run to and was trapped between me and the wall. "You nearly died, darling. And I saved your life." 

"Then why am I here?" She stuttered a little. 

"You fainted and I didn't know where else to take you." 

She took in a shaky breath and fell into thought. "I nearly died?" 

"Yes," I nodded. 

"Okay," she said slowly. 

I can feel the panic radiating from her, I can read it on her face. 

"I'll go then. Thanks for saving me?" She tried walking around me but I moved first, blocking her way. 

"Is that all I get for saving you?" I smirked. 

"You should let me go before I pass out again, I'm getting dizzy just by looking at you," she rambled, swaying in place. 

"Here's what you should do." I put one hand on the wall beside her head and she took another shaky deep breath, looking at my bed instead of me. I chuckled. "Flustered, are you?" 

"Dizzy," she mumbled. 

"Get some rest, sweetheart. Let's talk when you're sober and not so... dizzy, as you said." 

She slowly lifted her eyes and met mine, pulling her lips together. "I should go home," she mumbled. 

"Can you?" I lifted a brow at her questioningly. "You seem too shocked to do anything on your own." 

"Maybe if you could get me a cab, I could—" 

"No," I cut her off. 

"No, okay," she nodded, looking out the window, swallowing. Gosh, she's so nervous. She's scared, not even nervous, she's... horrified. 

"I'm not going to do anything to you, so you can stop shaking and panicking. You should sober up and calm down. How about I get you a cab after that, hmm?" 

I took a step back, giving her some space and she let out a huge sigh of relief, covering her face with her hands, letting out a muffled, "Oh, my God." 

I'm probably not the god she's thinking of, huh? "Water?" I offered. 

She peeked at me through her fingers. 

I raised my brows, asking again. "I'm not going to drug you. You can get it on your own," I deadpanned. 

"Water's fine," she said softly. 

"I'll be right back." I left the room and went into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and then going back to her. 

She was sitting on the edge of my bed now, picking at her nails while her leg bounced up and down. She's an entire ball of nerves. I cracked the bottle open, standing in front of her and holding it out. She looked up at me, taking the bottle with a shaky hand, and took a sip or two while I stared at her. She pulled the bottle away from her lips, holding it in her lap. "I should go." She stood up quickly. 

"Sit back down," I demanded, stepping forward, towering over her while her body almost pressed up against mine. 

She fell back down, sitting on the bed while looking at me with pleading eyes. 

"We're strangers, so I understand why you're nervous. But you should calm down." I reached into my pocket and took out her phone. "Here. You can call for a cab when I let you go." That probably just makes me sound even more like a kidnapper, for fuck's sake. "There's just something I need to ask you," I added, placing my hands in my pockets. 

She stared at me warily. "What?" 

I opened my mouth to ask if she was human but that's the worst possible way to go about this. "Your name," I said instead. 

She hesitated but I shot her a pointed look and she sighed, running a hand through her hair. She's much calmer now that she has her phone. "Persephone." 

I fell quiet, staring at her while my heart rate picked up. "Your name is..." 

"Persephone," she repeated. 

"Persephone," I whispered to myself. 







Chapter 4

This is low key the most unrealistic book I've ever fucking written it's like Darkling but I love writing this sm omg lmao I find it low key funny I hope you guys are liking it because I'm loving writing this

next chapter: fool

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