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Takemichi balances a pencil between his upper lip and nose, only half paying attention to his math class. He's too caught up in a more important life or death mission than to learn about numbers and letters at the moment.

In order to save Hina, who got caught up in the Tokyo Manji Gang's dispute, he and his twin have to find its two leaders. They found one leader, Sano Manjiro. But unlike his twin, he has no idea what to do next.

"OI! You can't just barge into a school however you like!" Just then. Loud voices from the hall get his attention. "What school are you from!?"

The door to his classroom clatters open, and a head pokes through. Takemichi nearly goes pale when he sees who it is.

"Oh, there he is." The door slides open fully, and Mikey barges into the room with a grin on his face. "Let's go play, Takemitchy!"

Unable to speak, he lets Mikey drag him out of the room. Upon entering the hallway, he sees a bunch of upperclass students pantsed and laying half unconscious on the floor.

'Our third years!?' Takemichi turns to Draken, who's already standing outside next to him. "Uh, what's all this?"

"All this?" Draken looks towards the mess he and Mikey made. "They pissed me off, so I knocked 'em down a peg."

He then turns to the third years while they slowly start standing up. "All you guys lay down here on your stomachs."

They obey, not wanting to get punished by the two strongest and scariest people of Toman. "You're too far apart. This is gonna hurt you more than it's gonna hurt us."

Before they can utter another word, Mikey and Draken begin walking on their backs. With the guys being so far apart, they have to hop from one guy to the next, hence Draken stating that it was going to hurt.

'Yeah... The Tokyo Manji Gang is crazy after all.' Takemichi walks next to the pair, awkwardly holding his hands behind his back.

"I heard there's someone trying to take control of Shinsen," Draken reports, as the pair continue to walk on top of the third years.

"S'alright. Let's go knock 'em out," Mikey answers cheerily.

'Tormenting people is an everyday occurrence for these guys...' Takemichi glances nervously at them. 'To them, it's as regular as brushing their teeth...'

The three continue down the hallway until they reach the locker room at the front entrance of the school. Draken drapes an arm over Takemichi's shoulder, bending down to meet his level.

"You feelin' alright?" the lanky teen asks him.

"Well... It's so soon after yesterday," he responds quietly.

"You're free today, aren't you?" Mikey questions. "And where's Kano-chin? If she's going to be so protective of you, then she should come along as well."

"I'm not, uh, free. But I dunno where Nakano-san is... I think she's still in class."

"Let's go find her and hang out for a little while."

Takemichi pauses as he hears chatter from behind him. Some of the students are coming out into the halls to see what's going on, not making this situation any better. He hopes Nakano will come to the rescue, but then again, he's not too sure how that'll play out. After he saw her act the way she did the other day, who knows what she'll do if she sees Mikey again.

'Nakano might not come in time... But I can't waste this chance...' Takemichi regains his confidence a little bit. 'I have to get close to Mikey and stop him from meeting Kisaki.'

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