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There is complete silence between Nakano and Seishu as they walk through the rain. The umbrella Mikey had given Nakano right before he left is closed and clutched in her arms like she's protecting a baby from the cold. The actual object is supposed to do that for her.

Her movements are stiff, every step only taking her a couple inches forward at a time. Seishu, however, doesn't mind keeping this pace as he continues to carry his umbrella over their heads.

Though it's quiet, Nakano is just grateful for his presence. Being able to talk about her struggles with the time leaping and the unfortunate futures she's seen. It's like it took some weight off of her shoulders, though there is more being piled on with every moment she breathes. That short moment of relief was good while it lasted.

Just as they're walking in the rain, extra sets of footsteps splash from behind them. Nakano doesn't bother to turn around, until she hears a familiar voice calling her name.


She stops mid step, and slowly turns around. She's met with the blue-grey eyes she used to seek comfort in, but only feel neglect and betrayal. Not because of him, but rather the reminders of  the lies she had to live through, and the torment she suffered under from his mother.

"Takemichi." Nakano speaks quietly. "Looks like we're back. How'd you find me."

She notices Takemichi's eyes flicker cautiously to Seishu, before he returns a serious hinting look back at her. "We need to talk."

"Whatever it is you want to tell me, you can say in front of him too." Nakano stares blankly back at him, still emotionallymentally and exhausted exhausted after meeting Manjiro's alive self. "He knows." Her comment seems to have shocked him, which she finds one sided. "What. You told Naoto and Chifuyu, so I can tell who I deem trustworthy too."

"Ah... Right. Sorry." Takemichi apologizes as usual. "But you didn't have to, because I'm sending you back."

Now there's something she wasn't expecting. As drained as she is, this is a surprise that she isn't fond of in the least. "Sending me back to the future? You can't be serious!"

"Hear me out," Takemichi pleads with her. "You've been fighting so much, and I did barely anything to help you. You've just witnessed something horrible, and probably a lot more before that. I dragged you into my mess, so I'll take you out of it."

There's a twinge in her heart, and she can't really tell if it's a good or bad feeling. She just didn't expect Takemichi to say something like that, let alone even notice that she's struggling. Yet, as always, she puts up her tough facade.

"Don't be stupid, Takemichi. There's no way you're doing this on your own. If you're struggling even with my help, you don't stand a chance without me."

"Nakano... I saw Mikey-kun before I came to find you." She stiffens, averting her gaze from him at the mention of his name. "You saw him too, didn't you."

She refuses to show him the sadness she holds in her eyes. "So what if I did."

"I understand what it's like to see someone you love who you know is dead." She remembers. He's been in the same situation, so he should understand, right? "It hurts like hell. And you've suffered enough before this. I didn't do anything when you got kidnapped. I left you to fight people on your own. You've carried nearly the entirety of this mission alone. Let me handle the rest."

Nakano clenches her fists, trying to gather her emotions, but does a terrible job when she looks up at him with pent up frustration narrowing her eyes. "Takemichi, just stop already."

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