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DEIMOS held Faye's hand tightly as the two walked down the small sidewalk. Keeping her away from the traffic, he made sure nobody was staring too long before sending a glare their way. 

"Look!" Faye pointed to the pet store with the numerous animals around. 

She practically dragged him in, the chime above the door dinging to signal they had made it. 

"Hello! How are you two doing?" A young lady stood behind the counter, greeting them. 

He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, brushing a soothing hand down her hair. "We are good...Thank you," as awkward as it was to thank the lady, he knew he had to get used to human tradition and norms. "C'mon baby, it's okay," he cooed, the lady watching them with a sweet smile. 

"If you have any questions, let me know!" 

Deimos nodded and led Faye to a different part by the ferrets. 

"Look, my cucciola (pup)," he pointed to the ferrets all sleeping on each other. 

"They're so cute," she whispered, watching with wide eyes. 

"Would you like to hold one?" The lady appeared again, making Faye curl back into Deimos' chest as shyness emitted from her. 

He looked at the small girl in his arms. "Would you?" 

She turned to see the nice lady with a soft smile before giving a quick nod. The owner gently grabbed one out, holding it out to Faye. Faye gently held it in her arms, the ferret immediately curling into her warmth and falling asleep again. 

"Look," Faye whispered, a smile on her face. 

The lady smiled also. "This is where all the unwanted pets come. The previous owners can drop them off here and we can rehouse them and take care of them, not like a pet store where the animals are forcibly bred or captive." 

Faye stared in wonder at all the animals, mostly sleeping. She knew they were all safe and taken good care of, she trusted the lady. 

"If you are ever free and want something to do, you are more than welcome to come here and help out. I can teach you about these animals and they could use a friend." Faye looked up at Deimos, almost in permission, although she didn't need it. He'd bow to her feet if she ever wanted anything. 

"Of course, whatever you want," he kissed her forehead as she smiled. 

She turned to the lady and nodded, careful of the ferret in her arm. 

"My name is Marie, what's yours?" 

Faye quietly spoke, "My name is Faye." 

"Faye, that's a beautiful name," the lady replied, making her blush. She gently handed back the ferret, watching it curl up with its friends and continue its sleep. 

"Now," Deimos interuptted. "Where are the spiders?" 

FAYE was in a great mood walking out of the store. She was able to pet so many animals and even made a new friend, Marie. 

Deimos was just happy to see his beloved happy. 

"Where to now, baby?" He questioned. 

Faye pulled him into another shop, this time it was a flower shop. She wanted to grab more seeds to plant around the garden. 

"Hello!" The old ladies welcomed them in as Faye looked at all of the flowers in awe. 

"Do you have baby's breath?" Faye asked, practically clinging onto Deimos' hand.

His heart swelled with pride at his girl speaking up and taking charge. 

"Good job, baby," he muttered, kissing her hairline. 

"Why, of course!" One of the old ladies walked with them to the back, showing her the flower. Faye picked out a packet of seeds and a few branches to keep it around while she waited for them to sprout. "All set?" Faye nodded and placed her items on the counter, the old ladies scanning it. "You two are so adorable together. Truly," the lady replied. Deimos gave a soft smile at Faye who looked at him in awe. "The Moon Goddess truly makes no mistakes." 

At that, Deimos snapped his head up at the old lady who stared with a smile. "What?" He asked. 

"Oh my dear, I said there are truly no mistakes," the lady had a teasing smile. 

Faye only looked confused but was paying more attention to the flowers than to the conversation. 

"Here you go, lovely," the old lady wrapped the flowers up and handed them to the girl. "And a little treat too," she winked and gave her a caramel. 

Deimos paid and grabbed the rest of her stuff, the old lady giving him one last smile before seeing them off. He couldn't shake off the weird feeling that she knew him, or at least what he was. But there's no way, she was simply a human. Faye squeezed his hand to get his attention.

He looked down at her. "I'm sorry, my baby, what is it?" She yawned wide and threw her hands in the air. 

Deimos felt his heart melt at his Mate's need to be close to him. He grumbled but smiled, picking her up and letting her wrap her legs around his waist. "There we go," he mumbled. 

"Thank you," she muttered against his neck. 

"Go to sleep baby, you've had a long day." 

And with that, she closed her eyes and drifted off. 

DEIMOS placed Faye on the big bed, covering her with a blanket to make sure she stayed warm. He didn't want to risk her catching a cold or anything else when she was sleeping, she was only human after all. He sat in the living room, pondering what the old lady at the flower shop had said and meant. 

He called upon a demon to come and report to him. "Yes, my lord?" A demon appeared before him, awaiting orders. 

"Find out more about the lady at the flower shop in town. And Marie, from the pet shop. I need to know their intentions." 

The demon nodded and bowed. "Of course, my lord." 

The demon left, assumably to do his job. Deimos sighed and walked back up to the bedroom where his Mate lay curled under the blankets. Almost, as if she could subconsciously tell he was in the room, she whined and reached out for him in her sleep. He removed his heavy outer clothes and got in with her, letting her curl up against his chest as he stroked her hair and she laid on top of him. 

He felt at peace with her in his arms and soon he too was whisked away to sleep. 

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