Chapter #23 Happiest Memory

Start from the beginning


"Very well, the charm is Expecto Patronum. Be ready"

I nod, then Profesor Lupin opens the trunk and a dementor comes out. Oh,2 Merlin.

"Expecto Patronum"

It didn't work

"Expecto Patronum"

It didn't work, and before I knew it, it all went black.


"Harry? Harry are you ok?"

"Umm, yeah. What happened Profesor?"

"You fainted"

He said handing me a piece of chocolate.

"Eat you'll-"

"Feel better, thanks Profesor"

While I ate the chocolate.

"That was some dementor"

"That wasn't even a dementor Harry, that was a Boggart. Harry, what memory did you think of?"

"I thought about the first time I road my broom"

"That isn't strong enough. Try thinking about something else"

Remus went back near the trunk.

"Wand ready?"

He asked, I nodded.

"Remember, your happiest memory"

I tried thinking of one, and then I thought about the time we where at the Moon Mantion and Charlottle and I were dancing and we got really close, before Audrie interupted.

Then Professor Lupin opened the trunk and the dementor came out.

With the memory in mind, I recited the spell

"Expecto Patronum!"

Then out of my wand came out a blue stag, that went straight for the dementor. Or the Boggart and then it went back into the trunk.

"Excellent Harry! That memory did perfectly. What did you think of?"

I felt my cheeks starting to heat up. I don't know if I want to tell my Professor if the happiest memory is when I danced with Charlotte.

"You know what Harry, you don't need to tell me. The important thing is that it worked"

Then he went to the trunk and closed it, he turned to me and said

"That's enough for today, we can continue this later"

"Brilliant, thanks, Professor!"


Charlotte's perspective

Hermione, Audrie, Ron, and I were in the Great Hall, Harry came back from his lesson with Professor Lupin and was telling us all about it.

"Harry, what was the memory about?"

Asked Ron

"Yeah, it must be a pretty happy memory if it worked"

Added Audrie, but Harry started blushing. Ron and Hermione looked at each other with a smile on their faces. Then Ron said

"Better yet, who was the memory about?"

Ok, now his face was red.

"What are you talking about? Why does the memory have to be about somebody?"

"Because you are as red as the Gryffindor flag", Said Audrie, with her eyes fixed on a book.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But the memory wasn't about somebody" Harry tried to defend, but I'm not convinced. Then I see Ron looking at me with curious eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You haven't said anything about this whole thing with Harry's memory"

He said

"I don't know why I need to intervene, but if Harry doesn't want to tell us who the memory is about that I won't make him tell us"

What if the memory really was about somebody? What if his happiest memory was with some girl in Gryffindor or another house?

"Well, it doesn't matter who or what the memory was about, the important thing is that the memory worked. I just hope that we Will figure out son what it was about"Said Audrie, with her eyes still in the pages of a book. 

I too wish to know what the memory was about, but I'll need to wait until Harry wants to share. Soon it was dinner time and as fast as it came, it ended and everybody went back to their common rooms.

Ron's perspective

We went back to our common rooms after dinner. Hermione and I gave the questioning a break while we were eating, but we aren't going to give up until we know what made Harry so nervous talking about his memory.

"It's really nothing guys. There's nothing special about it"

He protested while we were sitting on the couch.

"If it wasn't important Harry, it wouldn't have worked"

Said Hermione. I'll be honest, I don't know how the spell or the happiest memory thing works, but they have mentioned a lot that it needs to be a very happy memory for it to work.

"If I tell you, Will you stop the interrogation?"

"Yes" Hermione and I shared a look and we agreed at the same time

"Good but don't tell anyone, especially Charlotte, ok?" I nodded "So my memory was when Charlotte and I where dancing in the Moon Mantion"


I yelled, and I could see Harry and Hermione being a bit startled by it. And I could also see my brother Percy giving me a nasty look.


"How did you know my memory, Ron?"

"Oh, I didn't know your memory, I just knew it was about Charlotte"

"How?" Harry asked, apparently there are many things he is surprisingly blind about.

"Well after you confirming fancing her in the Winter Ball it was a little obvious. But I just needed you to say it" I said confidently.

"And by the way, your cheeks turned red in the Great Hall, it was also pretty obvious that it was about her" Added Hermione. Let's be honest, not even the invisibility cloak can hide Harry's obvious feelings for Charlotte.

"Do not mention this to her"

"Mate, we would never. Only you can tell her you fancy her"

"Yeah well I don't think that going to happen"

"Why not Harry? You're a catch" Said Hermione

"Thanks, Mione, but that's not it. I just don't think Charlotte likes me"

I almost laughed, but the look on Hermione's face stopped me. If he knew the feelings were mutual, he wouldn't be saying that.

"You just need to be positive Harry. If she knows the incredibly nice, courageous, and brave guy you are she will totally like you"

"Yeah Harry. You just need to think more highly of yourself. You are the boy who lived for Merlin's sake"

"Thanks, guys"

"That's what we're here formate"

"For Merlin's beard, it's getting quite late. I'll see you guys tomorrow, good night"

Said Hermione getting up to go to the girl's dormitory.

"Good night Mione"

Harry and I said at the same time. Not long after Hermione went to sleep, Harry and I went up to our dormitory to mess around with our roommates, but sooner or later we fell asleep.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 21, 2021 - 1661 words - What's your favorite spell?

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