7. Uninvited Guests

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad I can stay with you, my lady. I think it's the best way for me to survive the next three months in the service."

"It will pass in a blink. Shame I can't get out of my new role so easily," said Skylar with a sigh. "All right, enough moping now. We need to get back to the mansion before my daily tutoring starts."


When Skylar walked through the main doors of the mansion, she stopped abruptly. In the middle of the front foyer, Zachariah was talking to two elegant women. Everyone turned to her when the heavy door closed behind her with a loud thud.

Skylar gulped, fully aware that she was wearing too big, male clothes, and her sweaty hair was plastered flat to her head. But there was nowhere to hide now, so she raised her chin and turned to the Head Servant.

"Zachariah, I didn't know we were expecting guests today."

"Because we didn't," the man replied. "The ladies wanted to... surprise you with a visit, my lady."

"Oh, my apologies!" said a woman with perfect blonde curls flowing gracefully down to her waist. "We didn't mean to intrude, Lady Skylar! We are your closest neighbours, so we thought we would greet you properly." Her voice was sweet as the most beautiful music, but Skylar noticed her blue eyes sparkling when she looked up and down. It was not a friendly gleam but rather an excitement of a predator who found easy prey.

"We should have sent you a note," the other woman added. She had flaming red hair styled in a complicated crown. "But we simply couldn't wait to meet you!"

"You certainly did surprise me," Skylar said cautiously. "Zachariah, can you please invite the ladies to our dining room for breakfast while I quickly bathe and make myself more presentable?"

"As you wish, my lady." The Head Servant bowed to her and gestured to the guests. "My ladies, if you, please, follow me."

When they disappeared into a hallway, Skylar cursed profoundly.

"I'm guessing it's not good?" Preston asked.

"My husband is going to kill me." Sky sighed, trotting toward her chambers.


After less than half an hour, Skylar was ready to enter the dining room. Well, at least as ready as she'd ever get. Her hair was still wet after a bath, and even her best dress didn't seem to be appropriate compared to the elegant and spotless garments of the two visitors. But she couldn't stall any longer, so she straightened her back, raised her chin, and entered the room.

The Ladies sat at the end of a long dining table, dabbing elegantly at some greenery on their plates that looked more like a garnish than food. When they spotted her, they both got up. Her teachers already instructed Skylar that as the Lord General's wife, she was of the highest social position, just below the King and Queen. The other nobles had to show her respect, whether they liked it or not.

"I apologise I made you wait," she said stiffly, walking towards them.

"That's all right, Lady Skylar. We are at fault here for surprising you like that." The blonde woman bowed her head slightly.

"I hope you didn't take an offence at our brash behaviour, Lady Skylar," the other woman added.

"Don't worry about it. I think the official introduction is in order?" Sky said. She knew she should know who her guests were, especially when they said they were the closest neighbours, but she hadn't the faintest idea. It was another of her shortcomings, but she didn't care.

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