5. The First Clash

Start from the beginning

Skylar looked at Zachariah, strolling towards them, his brows raised high. 

"I'm checking the quality of our soldiers. And sadly, it is very disappointing."

"My lady, can you please lower the sword?" the Head Servant asked, stopping a few feet away from her. "I think Preston has already learnt his lesson."

"Fine," Sky said, lowering her blade. "But I'm keeping the sword."

"That is not necessary, my lady," Zachariah protested.

"No? Then why did my dear husband assign the soldier to guard me at all times? I would have thought the place was crawling with assassins! I certainly don't feel safer with him around," she said, gesturing to a trembling soldier. "I'd rather keep the sword."

"I'm guessing Lord General did not discuss the matter with you, my lady?" Zachariah said with a sigh.

"He did not. I would love to discuss it. Right now would be perfect."

"Unfortunately, that's not possible. Lord General has already left the estate. I'm afraid he won't be back before nightfall."

"Of course, he won't," Skylar huffed.

"May I have a suggestion, my lady?" Zachariah asked, taking a step closer.


"How about you give the sword back to Preston, and we cease the guard duty until you discuss it with Lord General?"

"But I have my orders!" the soldier protested.

"Do you want to get back to your commander saying Lady Skylar disarmed you and took away your sword, leaving you defenceless and useless?" Zachariah asked sharply.

The soldier shuffled nervously from one leg to another. "No, sir."

"And there you have it. Lady Skylar, is that acceptable for you?"

Skylar looked at the Head Servant with new respect. Even though he was a civilian, he had enough guts to order a soldier around.  She immediately liked him a little bit more. 

"Fine," she said and swiftly changed the handle on the sword, handing it to her guard, pommel first.

When the man took the sword, his hand was still trembling.

"Marvellous. Now, as we have this little misunderstanding out of the way, please follow me, Lady Skylar. The breakfast is served, and we need to be swift because your schedule for today is packed very tightly."

"My schedule?" she asked with raised brows, following the servant.

"But of course. Today you will start your tutoring. Some of the professors are already here. Let's not make them wait too long."

"That's just great," Sky said with a sigh.


Gawyn was right when he said Skylar wouldn't have time for anything else but her educational catching up. After a quick breakfast, her day was filled with never-ending lessons and assessments. She barely had time to eat between boring lectures on history and practical classes on court etiquette.

At dinner, in the evening, her head was pounding, and she was so exhausted she only wanted to go back to her room and collapse on the bed. She was sitting alone at a large table, moving food around her plate.

"Are you well, my lady?" Zachariah asked, who came to see if the meal was to her liking.

"I'm fine. Has my husband still not returned?"

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