16. Chapter

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Heyy, so there is a new chapter like you wanted. I wanted to thank all of you for your support and amazing ideas for continuing this story :)

Today I'm going to Wembley to cheer on Mason and England team against Albania. I was supposed to spend match with Lauren but Declan's family arrived too and I didn't want to interrupt their family time so I was all alone for now. After mach I can go down to see Mase and others boys, because Mason gave me vip pass.

The match ended 2-0 for England. Mase scored goal at 63' when he was celebrating he found me in crowd and blew me a kiss from side of the pitch. After stadium got less crowded I made my way down to tunel to congratulate Mase. But he probably still was in changing room so I quietly waited on side and watched everyone outside changing room with their families and significant others.
"Hey I think we haven't met yet" I heard man voice behind me, which caused me to turn around. It was Phil Foden
"Oh hi, yeah we probably haven't met"
"I'm Phil, I what's your name love?"
"I'm y/n" I said and stuck out my hand for him to shake
"Beautiful name for beautiful lady" he smoothly said and kissed my hand
"Uhh thanks" I blushed a little bit
"Soo why are you here all alone love?"
"I'm waiting on .." I couldn't finish my sentence because I was interrupted by kid giggling. Little boy ran to Phil and was trying to say 'daddy'
"Hey little man, you missed daddy?" Phil cooed at little boy
"Oh hey mom, thank for looking after him" he said to older woman who came after little boy
"No worries sweetie" she smiled at him and then looked at me and smiled too
"Aww that's so sweet" I cooed at sight of Phil and baby
"y/n this is my son Ronnie" Phil said proudly
"Hii Ronnie" I said in sweet voice. He turned in his dad's arms and did grabby hand on me.
"No Ronnie don't annoy this lovely lady" Phil said to his son
"Noo he's not annoying me, he's the cutest baby I've ever seen"
"If you say so, you wanna hold him love?"
"Yes please" I said and took Ronnie into my hands. He immediately started playing with my hair and started giggling.
"Awww he's so cute"
"Ronnie don't pull hair" Phil tried to explain to his little son even tho he knew he doesn't understand what's his daddy saying.
"Come on he's baby all babies pull hair and they're small so it doesn't hurt" I smiled at Phil
"Soo Phil are you dating this girl?" His mom asked him but it was loud enough for me to hear.
"Well no,  I've just met her but I'm thinking about asking her out"
"She seems like a good girl, keep her"
"Will try mom" he said and was in awe how Ronnie loves y/n already, he's usually really shy around new people
"Now stop talking with me and go to talk to her"
"Yes ma'am" he jokingly saluted and went back to y/n and Ronnie
"He really loves you" Phil smiled
"I love him too, he's the sweetest"

All this saw Mason from changing room doors, he didn't like how Phil looked and smiled at his y/n. He was fuming inside. He walked to them and wrapped an arm around her.
"Hey love" he said and kissed her lips, making sure he wouldn't push baby out of y/n's arms, even when he was mad he would never hurt baby.
When Phil heard him calling her love and kissing her, his heart broke. He thought y/n could be the one for him and Ronnie since Ronnie's mom left them soon after he was born.
"Shall we go home love?" Mason asked y/n
"I wanted to spend more time with Phil and Ronnie" y/n said
"But don't you remember? We made plans for tonight"
"No we didn't" y/n was confused what he meant
"Uhh can we just go please? I'll tell you later, there are kids around" he tried to sound seductively
"Okay then" y/n rolled her eyes at him
"Phil do you want to change numbers so we can hangout sometime or just call me if you want to babysit this cutie" Y/n asked more sweetly then she talked with Mase few seconds ago
"Of course love" he smiled and typed his number in her phone
"Thank you, see you later. Bye sweetie" she said goodbye to Phil and Ronnie.

Mason grabbed y/n's arm little harshly and pulled her with him to his car.
"What's your problem?" Y/n asked and tried to get out of car but he already started driving
"What's your problem more like?" His voice raised a bit
"What the hell do you mean?" Y/n matched his tone
"You flirting with my teammate, that's my problem" he raised his voice again
"I wasn't flirting with Phil" y/n said irritated because her boyfriend wouldn't trust her
"'Can you give me your number Phil'" he imitated
"He was nice, I just tried to be friendly that's all, after all he has son so he has to have a wife or girlfriend no?" Y/n was irritated more and more each second
"No she left them" Mason started to be mad more and more too
"Well I didn't know that, I've met him for the first time"
"So there's gonna be more times seeing him?"
"Yes that's why we exchanged numbers"
"You're unbelievable" he snarked and threw vase into the wall next to y/n
"I'm unbelievable? What are you then huh? You are just jealous that's all" y/n yelped with tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe he started breaking things in their house.
"I'm not fucking jealous" he screamed and went to his gaming room with slamming doors.

"I'm not gonna stay here if he's gonna act like this" y/n said under her breath and went to their shared bedroom to pack her suitcase.
After good 30 minutes y/n packed all she thought she's gonna need at least for week. Since she doesn't know many people in London and her closest friend is Declan's girlfriend she can't stay with them, Dec would immediately tell Mason so it would be no use. She decided to book hotel bit far from her and Mason's home. She didn't want to risk seeing him for now.

Mason's pov:
I heard anything for a long time, which caused me to worry a little about y/n. I know what she's been trough in past and what she was capable of. I was still bit mad at y/n for exchanging numbers with Phil but I know she's not handling these situations well because of her ex boyfriends so I went to check up on her. I checked whole house bust she's nowhere to found. 'She probably went to Lauren to talk it out' I thought and yawned. 'I'll talk to her in the morning' Was last thing on my mind before I fell asleep.

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