━━━━ xvii

Start from the beginning

"what did you wish for when you saw those stars?"

"well, the first one, i was 10. i think i remember wishing to graduate high school at the top of my class. not only did i do that, but i did it years earlier than anyone else in my year."

he took a deep breath and smiled.

"and the next one was not that long ago. it was about a month or two after you... 'left.' i used to sit on my couch and stare at the window until i hopefully fell asleep. i saw the shooting star and i wished..."

"what did you wish?"

"that you would come back. and i knew it would've been impossible. i thought you were...you know... but yet here i am years later and you're right here, next to me. and i couldn't be happier."

leah smiled, wiping a stray tear from her eye. she sat up straight and wrapped her arms around spencer, kissing his cheek lightly.

"but back to my question," he continued. "what did you wish for, leah?"

"well, technically i'm not allowed to say," leah started, smirking. "you know what they say- if you tell anyone your wish, it won't come true."

spencer shook his head and jokingly scoffed, looking away.

"but i guess i'll make an exception for you."

spencer looked back at her, making eye contact.

"i wished for happiness like this forever."

"again? didn't you wish for that on our first date?"

"hey! you heard me when i made that wish?"

"well, yeah, babe, you said it out loud, of course i heard you!"

"fair enough... hey, that reminds me...first you wish on a coin, and then you wish on a star? damn, spence, einstein isn't going to be happy you're putting faith into a belief instead of science."

"hey, what einstein doesn't know can't kill him, it's not like he isn't already dead."

the two laughed for a bit, before spencer stood up and held his hand out to leah to help her up. she took his hand and he lead her over to the gazebo and pulled his phone out of his pocket, playing... you guessed it... "teenage dirtbag" by wheatus.

the two were laughing as they danced to the song together, spinning around. the two might not have noticed how close to the pool they were. after a few more spins, the two slipped into the pool, completely submerging under the water.

they both came up to the surface and laughed, catching their breath. leah wrapped her arms around spencer's neck and he spun her around, both of them still in the water.

when the song finally ended, leah pulled spencer in for a kiss (as couples do) and whispered something to him.

"you are my happiness, forever. you're what i wished for. you're always what i've wished for."

the two finally left the pool, both soaked head to toe with water. spencer looked around the backyard quickly, before noticing a few towels. he ran over to them, quickly checking the pockets of his pants, making sure nothing he had got completely damaged. he pulled his wallet out of his left pocket and surprisingly, most of the money wasn't that wet. moments later, spencer ran back to leah with towels, both of them wrapping it around their bodies to stay warm.

"that was fun," leah laughed.

"it was, wasn't it?" spencer smirked.

leah nodded, smiling.

"leah," spencer started.

"for the record, you're my happiness forever too."

leah smiled at him. boy, she was really in love with him. the only thing that would make this night better now is-

"you've been my happiness for a long, long time leah," spencer...continued???

"every morning, i think about you. every night, i think about you. every damn second of every day, i think about you."

"you were all i thought about for months before that incident, and when you came back, those feelings...multiplied. you are the light of my life- the pink moon if i dare say."

"i'll spend all my next coins and all my next shooting stars wishing for you. because at the end of the day, you're all i want- all i need."

spencer pulled an item out of his right pocket and knelt down. leah's heart stopped.

"you are the best thing in my life."

he took the box and opened it, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring.

"i'd be lying if i said i haven't had this ring for at least the last year of our relationship. i bought it a few months after we started dating. i don't know how to explain it, but i just knew- and i think you did too, that we were bound to be together forever. i-i just couldn't imagine my life without you, leah. i've lost you once, and it was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. i never, ever, want to lose you again. so- i guess what i'm asking is.."

he took a deep breath.

"leah gray, will you marry me?"

𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙    ➳ [ SPENCER REID ] [PARTS 1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now