"Alright...I need help..."

"How about this, take a deep breath and calm down." Taehyung said as he put his hands on my shoulders

I took a few deep breaths and tried to relax.

"Okay, I relaxed a bit." 

"Now, do not try to think so hard. Maybe just start to teleport. Do not try picking a place, just try and teleport anywhere."

I closed my eyes and imagined myself teleporting, but I still felt Taehyung's hands on my shoulders, so I put my head down.

"Hey...try again. I know you can do it."

"I can not...and besides I do not want to."

"Try one more time."

"Fine, then I am done for the day." 

I took a deep breath, and Imagined teleporting somewhere.

Suddenly, I could not feel Taehyung's hands on my shoulders anymore. So I opened my eyes and noticed I was finally standing somewhere else.

"Taehyung I did it!" I said as I ran to hug him

"I told you, you would!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever....can we go to the dragons now?"

"...I guess." then we teleported to a ravine inside the mountain range

".....the dragons are on the other side." 

"Do not look so scared. I promise I will be fine."

"That does not guarantee anything Y/N." 

"Just wait here, I will not be long." 

Then I turned around and began to run until I reached the top.

That second I saw hundreds of dragons that went on for miles, and I was in awe.

How horrible...they shoved these poor creatures into such a confined space.

I began to walk down the other not-so steep side of the mountain into a valley.

As I started to near them, many began to come near me.

They were all different color combinations like a chameleon and had almost scary eyes.

"I do not know if you can understand me, but I am not here to hurt you."

Instantly, all of them started to step backward.

I continued to walk through the valley with all of the dragons looking at me.

They are not scary at all...

"You are not dangerous at all."

Since being up close to them, I noticed how malnourished and weak they were, probably from lying down most of the time and not getting enough food.

Then as a test, I got near one of the dragons with my hand out, asking if I could touch them.

Once they let me, I took a good look and realized that this one was bigger than the rest.

"You must be pregnant, huh?" she made a groaning sound and pushed her head closer to me as I pet her

As I was petting her, a shadow appeared behind me, causing it to become very shady.

So, I stood up and turned around.

And there was an even larger dragon, with black and purple skin, and blood-red eyes.

The Devil King (KTH)Where stories live. Discover now