A trip to the V & A

Start from the beginning

"Stewart. I need to talk to you in private about something." I whisper at him. He quivers at me and gulps but nods saying that he will. I let him go and he backs away slightly before following me outside where surprisingly no one is on this beautiful day. "Do you know who I am?" I ask him nicely. He straightens up slightly and looks at me and then at the discovery center across the street.

"You... you... your Atchaco Cornwall." He mumbles looking back at me. "John warned me that you might try and find me for information which I am never going to give, I know of your powers, and I know how to block them."

"You are the worst henchmen in the world. If Andrew finds out, then you will be fired and knowing him being fired means being killed, because just like me that's what we do when we can't trust someone anymore, when we think that they will get in our way of saving the world." Stew shakes his body and steps away from me and places his hands on the banister. He mumbles and quivers. His nails are digging into the cold metal that is the banister. He is scared and understands but also doesn't and I realise this. "Andrew never knew that you came to me, did he, you both came of your own accord because you thought you were smart. Clearly unaware of the consequences me or Andrew might bring towards you." He gulps and presses harder on the banister.

"O... o... opps. I am... dead." I nod at him. "N... n...n... now what... t... t do you... you want?"

"I want to know where Andrew is?" I glaring at him. "And if you don't want to die, I would recommend telling you everything I want to know. I won't hesitate to make you fall from this height, I can make it look like an accident too so don't push me."

"I... I... I have promised ta... t... to keep and... and... Andrews' location is a... a... secret." Stew gulped as I brought him closer to my face. He looked like he was going to scream but by the time someone comes he will be dead, and by the near silent squeak he lets out, even he knows it.

"If you scream, I will drop you. If you hurt me, I will drop you. If you threaten me, I will drop you. If you don't tell me what I want to know, I will drop you. Do you understand that." He slowly nodded. "Good, now tell me where Andrew is hiding. I need to speak with him." I push him against the edge and drag his body upwards so that he hangs off the edge.

"I... I... I do not know which house he is at, but I do know where each of the houses are and if you want, I can give you his phone number." I look at him. "S... s... s... so you can track him." I smile and place him back on the ground. He leans over to my ear and tells me where his safe houses are. Then he hands me his phone number. I look at it and say thank you before turning to leave. I see Stew walking towards the door, and I stick my foot out to trip him up and hurt him a little bit but to my surprise and my dismay he falls backwards and over the edge.

I run over to him and he is grasping on for dear life. His hands are slipping on the smooth metal. I kneel down and grasp one of his hands and start to pull him up, but my hand slips a bit as I start to feel scared. I hate PTSD. He was going to die the same way I nearly did, apart from the fact he was going to be falling off a building rather than a cliff. I don't know which one is worse and I don't want to find out. I gritted my teeth as I got hold of his hand again and started to walk backwards telling him to move his hand up the rails as I brought him up.

I suddenly started to feel lighter as I brought him up. I looked down to see why and I was surprised, my legs were no longer touching the ground, they were levitating, now I knew I could fly, but levaitating was different. Okay that is a new one and at this point a helpful one, maybe Triton knows what he is doing. I levitate upwards and flow down and place Stew on the ground who catches his breath. Once he has, he hugs me which catches me by surprise. It was my fault that he almost died. I was the one that tripped him up. "Thank you. Thank you." Stew cries into my legs.

"Hey, it's okay. I've got you. I won't try that again. Now can you? So you want to tell me something." He nods at me. "Why do you help Andrew? I mean what has he ever done for you."

"He hasn't done anything for me. He just promised something. He just promised that if I stick with him then I will become important, that I will become somebody, that I will no longer be the nobody that I am, unnoticed by everyone. That I will get whatever I want. He promised. He said he won't go down on his word and that is all I need. I trust him."

"You cannot trust anyone in this world. No one is who they ever seem to be. They will always be hiding something."

"But I can trust Andrew." Stew says looking up at me. His eyes glinted in the sun. I nod and stand up. I look up into the skies and do not reply for a long time. I turn my head and look down before sighing.

"You can never trust Andrew. He will cause you nothing but harm. Trust me on that. I am a victim of all his harm. So, if you want to live then I request that you don't stick to his rule and follow mine." Stew walks up to me and takes my hand. He smiles before gripping my waist. "I'm 15, Stew and I have a boyfriend, sorry to burst your bubble but you can't take me."

"Then don't tell him. Also, I will follow your rule." I look down at him and smile. He laughs and buries his head into my chest, right beside my powercore. "You are really warm."

"Now that is a surprise. Maybe it knows that you are cold and heated me up." I grin at him.

"I'm confused by what you said. Why are you surprised that you are warm, aren't most people meant to be warm, we are warm blooded beings after all? Also, who is this person that you talk about?" I look down and shake my head before taking him off my body and walking away back to the train station. I turn my head and see Stew not that far behind. He runs up to me and tries to take my hand, but I stop him. He looks confused. "I thought we were meant to do this together." I look down at him.

"Doesn't mean we have to hold hands. I only did it mainly with adrenaline and to save your life. Come on. People don't hunt themselves and I think, o I know, that it is going to happen soon." Stew looks at me with a confused face.

"Know what?" He asks. "You are a very confusing person, do you know that?" He looks at me fascinated and curious, studying my movements and how similar my cybernetics and hydraulics were to a flesh and bone human body.

"I know that I am confused. Now come on, we don't have long. Also, I will explain everything on the way there. Now do you want to fly or train." He laughs and points at the train. I shrug my shoulders. That is a good idea and we both walk on, smiling, maybe life can get better, maybe baddies can get better, maybe people can get better, maybe I can learn from them instead of trying to teach them.

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