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Lucy's POV
I awake to the sound of Lila crying. I look around and the room we are in is dark...
"Hey, come here baby." I say softly.
"Mommy." She crawls on my lap and lays her head on my lap. My hands still tied together I manage to get my hands on her head to play with her hair.
"I love you sweetie. We will be okay." I let the tears run down my face as I remembered being tied up in a barrel not too long ago. But this time, I'll be stronger. This time my daughter is alive and in my arms.
"I wuv you mommy."
"Oh goodie, your awake..." Emmett came in with a devious smile.
"Don't. Not in front of her." I say looking down at Lila.
"Okay. Then get up and let's go."
Please be looking for me... please.
"Mommy no go." Lila pulled on my hand.
"Mommy and daddy just need to talk. I love you sweetie. Never forget that." I kiss her forehead and Emmett pulls me away.
"Well well, now I get my revenge." He smiles sickly.
"Look, you don't have to do this." I try to plead with him.
"Oh yes I do, I'm looking at 25 years in prison for confessing to setting your ass up to be murdered..." He steps in front of me, "If I had known that I would never have told them what I did." He smacks me across the face.
"I'm going to make this as fun for me as possible." He gives me a devious smile and leans in. "Ready to take back what's mine." I cringe at the thought of what he means. He shoves me on the ground and I try to fight back. With my hands being tied I'm almost useless. I kick my feet at him. Aiming for any skin I can make contact with I lay one in the man area and he swears and punches me in the nose and I succumb to darkness.

Tim's POV
Thankfully the bastard shot me through and through. I was stitched up, given some pain meds and discharged.
I called Grey and he sent Lopez to get me.
"Now, I would tell you to go home and wait. But I know that's pointless and you'll just get in my way. Did you cool down?" She asked me driving.
"Yeah. As much as possible." I nod.
"Good here's a clean shirt." She tosses me a clean uniform shirt. I change it and toss the dirty one in her back seat.
"So what's the deal? Did you find her?"
"Yes, we'll sort of." She pauses and takes a deep breath, "air ship followed them to a wooded area. Where they left on foot. We have teams there canvassing the area looking for them.
"Well let's go join in."
"I thought you'd say that." Angela smirked, "Detective Lopez to Air Control badge number 29842 we are ready for pick up. Officer Tim Bradford badge number 34831 accompanying me." We board the helicopter and it takes off.
"Stay low to the trees and drive slow." She tells the pilot.
"Copy that."
"Here put this on. For when it's time drop." She hands me a harness that's connected to a jump wire.
"I won't be able to jump with you because you know the bowling ball. But there's teams out there we will radio in and get someone closer before you go." We stand on the side and look for any signs of a house.
All I think about images of Lucy and Lila. If anything happens to either of them I will not recover. They have became my whole world. Before them my work was my life. Now they are... I love Lila as if she's my own kid. We watch games together, I get her ready for bed. I could tell you anything in the world about her.... what's that? My eye catches something through the woods.
"Lopez, over there."
"Hey stop here." She tells the pilot.
After 20 minutes of canvassing I see it. A small cottage.
"It's the only place in these damn woods. It's got to be." She tells him.
"Okay let's hover over here. You drop down a few miles away and wait for a team. Tim I'm serious wait for a team." She looks me in the eyes. "Lila is most likely in there. You don't want to risk him hurting her."
"You have my word." I look at her with a serious look. I've known her since the Academy and we have became best friends. I'm her Man of
Honor in her wedding a few days. I won't let her down.
"All clear begin the descend." She tells the pilots.
I am lowered down in the harness and look around. I don't see anyone.
"Touchdown successful." I radio in.
"I'll meet up with you in 3 Nyla radios in."
"Copy that. I'm going to scope out the area."

Once Nyla meets up with me I show her and Nolan the best route. They informed there's back up coming and there 10 minutes out.
"Let's get a look in the window and see if we need to enter sooner. As far as we know it's just Emmett." I explain to them.
"Okay, but let me look." Nyla tells me and nod.
She creeps under one of the windows and peeks in. Her face softens.
"Hey, Lila is in that room. Alone." She says.
"Okay, what do we do?"
"I say we get her out and wait for back up for Lucy. Lila is our top priority."
"Yeah she is." I smile at the thought of getting her out of there. One down . One to go.
"Let me see if I can open the window." She pulls out the screen quietly and looks again to make sure it's still safe. When she's it's clear she pushes it up a bit.
"You should get her she knows you." Nyla nods her head in my direction.
"Okay. Yeah." I push the window the rest of the way and Lila looks at me. I put my finger on my lips to show her to be quite. "Come here, baby. Tim got you." I whisper. She walks over to me and I help pull her out of the window.
"Hey baby. Are you okay?" I pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead. I inspect her for wounds. And only find a small cut on her cheek and a bruise on her head.
"Yes. You save mommy?" She asks in a tiny voice. "Yeah." That's when the calvary appeared through the tree line.
"Hey someone take her and head back." I wave someone over.
"Here I got her. Officer Rogers."
"Officer Bradford. You guard her with your life. You got me? Or you lose your badge. Better yet." I scope out another person in the line, "you, go with them. Guard her with your life as well. You got me?"
"Yes sir."
"Lila honey, my friends are going to watch you while I go save mommy okay? You be a good girl and I will see you soon. I love you, you are every bit my daughter as you are your mommy's you hear me?" I stop the tears from pricking in my eyes.
"I love you." She hugs me and I hand her off.
"Okay guys. We don't know the status of Officer Chen. But because Lila was alone we are assuming she is still alive." Harper fills the back up in. "Tim and I are going to climb in that bedroom window. And you guys are going to kick that door open."
"Once we're inside we will all count to 10, you can't radio in incase Lang hears you."
We go over and both climb quietly in the window., "9,10." I say the last 2 numbers out loud and open the bedroom door at the same time I hear a loud bang from the front of the house.

Lucy's POV
I wake up again, from knocked out. My hands are untied and I see Emmett standing with his back away from me looking through a bag.
"Dammit, dammit, dammit," he was throwing the stuff from the bag around.
I look around for a weapon and see a fire poker. I inch over quietly and grab it. Let me tell you it hurts like hell to move. My pants are discarded and I'm only in my uniform T-Shirt. I see my underwear and I quickly grab them as I push down the urge to vomit.
Okay I slip one leg in and the another. And I accidentally cause something to fall over. My snap up at Emmett who turns around quicker than I've ever seen him move.
"Well well, you took your good old time to kill me and look where you are now." I have the fire poker in my hand.
"Your going to either A. going to let me lock you in the closet and call for help. Or B. we fight this out." I raise an eyebrow at him. He reaches in his pants but come up wide eyed and empty handed.
"Oh? Looking for that." I tilt my head in the direction of his eyes and see where he left his gun.
"You son of a bitch." He glares at me. And walks backwards. He is in the kitchen so I'm going to guess he's going for knife.
"Well it looks like option B." I say and charged at him. I swing my weapon and miss. He reaches forward with his knife and misses me. I pull back and thrust forward with my weapon again. This time I get him in the arm and he cries out. "You ready to change your mind?" I ask.
"Not a chance. Til your dead bitch." He lunges at me to attack and we both wrestle around. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and feel warm liquid run down it. I sneak out from under him bring the poker up above his head and drive back down into his chest his eyes go big and I watch him bleed out to there's nothing a breath left in him. I drop to the ground and pull my legs to my chest and cry.
That's when I hear a loud bang and, "police put your hands up." I stand up quickly and put my hands in the air.
"Lucy." Tims eyes are huge as he takes in the scene before him. He runs and pulls me into his arms. "It's over." He says.
"Tim I killed him." I say. Lila! Oh my god she can't see this. "Oh my god Lila!"
"It's okay I got her out of the room before we breached the house." I sigh in relief and go back to holding on to Tim.
"I know, I know... it will be okay. Are you okay?" He asks. "Why are you..." he holds me out and sees how I'm dressed and realization hits his face, "oh my god."
"Your arm, he shot you. How is it?" I change the subject quickly.
"Clear through. Couples stitches and a pouty lip to Lopez and I was back on the hunt." He shrugs.
"Im sorry Officer Chen, we're going to have to take your statement." Lopez comes up to me and I stare at her wide eyed. "You know the rule. It's obvious what happened here but it needs to be done."
"It-it's okay I'm ready." I squeeze Tim's hand and go to follow.
I relive every gruesome detail with Detective Lopez about what happened. I tell her how I woke up during it and he choked me til I passed out. And then again. I told her how I gave him the option for me to allow him the chance to be turned in. And how we fought and I thought he was going to kill me so I made the move for the kill.
After talking to her she hugged and me told me
It was going to be okay.
"He raped me... I knew he was capable of a lot but rape." I collapse in her arms as the adrenaline rush wears off.

Tim's POV
Lucy did that... she really killed him. I think back to when I found her after Caleb unconscious covered in blood and broken. But this time, this time is different. She's covered in blood, crying, and relief is on her face.
I look over at her and she falls down. I run over to her.
"What happened? Some one get me ambulance!" I yell.
"Hey, hey, she's okay. The adrenaline rush must have worn off. None of her injuries were life threatening." Angela puts her hand on my shoulder and I look up at her. I bend over pull Lucy into my arms.
"Air support lower a stretcher please." Angela radios in.
"10-4." In a few minutes a stretcher is lowered down.
"I'll send a harness down for you."
"Actually I'll meet you there." I need to go find Lila. She's probably scared and needs a familiar face.
"I called Wes, he met them at the bottom of the hill. She'll be fine. Go with Lucy." I nod and the guy tells me he'll send it down.

Soon after arriving there Lucy wakes up. "Hey honey." I'm at her side in a second.
"Hi," she smiles at me weakly. "Sit." She scoots over and pats the spot next to her.
"I'm so sorry I let him take you," I confess.
"You didn't let him, the bastard kidnapped our daughter, shot you then took me. I'd say that's one hell of a fight."
"So your not going to umm zombie out on me again?"
"No I actually feel relieved..." she pauses and looks at me with a face. "We just might not umm you know for awhile."
"That's fine by me." I kiss her head and pull her in for a one armed hug in the bed.
"I have a visitor." Wesley announces as he walks in with Lila in his arms.
"Oh, my baby." She says and reaches out to grab her and pulls her in for a hug and I wrap myself around them both.
"I love you both more than you'll ever know." I whisper to them.

Okay guys!!! Next up is the final chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this. Watch out for my next story :) if you want a sequel just let me know.  I have a whole story line planned out for my 2 favorites cops. I also will be starting another story for another favorite show of mine!!

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