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Time to get to some drama. Whose ready?!?!

It's a sunny day in Los Angeles as usual, I have 2 days left of training and Tim and I are out on patrol.
"So which car are you thinking of getting?" Hmmmm...
"Idk, I still haven't found the one." I shrug.
"Lucy we've been to 3 car lots." He groans and I laugh at him.
"You know I'm going to miss this." I say.
"Oh really?"
"Mmhmm, you and your Tim tests. But I'm excited to advance my career. And maybe a Sergeant opening will come up soon." I wiggle my eyebrows at him causing him to laugh.
My phone rings, "oh, it's Mrs. Lopez, I better answer this," I say answering it. "Hey how's Lila?"
"Sh-she I-I" she's stuttering.
"Are you okay? What's going on?" Tim stares at me.
"She's gone. We went to the park and I can't find her."
"What park?"
"The one on 5th."
"Go to the park on 5th she can't find Lila." We flip the lights and sirens on.
"7-Adam-19, requesting back up at the Wisendale Park. Missing child. Age 2 female. Dark hair, dark skin, brown eyes, about 2 feet tall. Should be wearing a pink t-shirt and jean shorts. Missing child's name, Lila Lang."
"Hey, I'm sure she just wandered off to play somewhere and Mrs. Lopez can't find her. She'll be okay." He grabs my hand and squeezes it but I can see the worry in his eyes.
"7-Adam-15, put us em route ETA 5 minutes."
We pull up and Mrs. Lopez comes rushing over.
"I-Im so sorry guys." She looks devasted.
"Did you look everywhere in the park?" Tim asks her.
"7-Adam-19 to 7-Adam-15 shut down all exits to the park. No one comes in or out."
"Start a canvas. Where was she last seen?" Tim asks.
"On the swirly slide. She asked me for a snack. So, I came back to get it and when I went to the slide she was gone." She grabs a tissue from her bag and wipes her eyes. "I'm so sorry." I feel tears prick me eyes.
"Sergeant Grey comes up to us."
"We got all exits closed and units on the look out canvassing out 10 miles. I got 3 units here collecting statements. We will find her. Okay guys?"
"What can we do now?" I ask.
"Start taking statements."
"Here's a picture, I keep in my wallet. If you want to start showing it around." Tim pulled the picture of The 3 of us out of his wallet from her 2nd birthday.
"Lucy are you sure you can handle this?" Sergeant Grey asks me. I feel him and Tim look at me.
"Im sure." I nod. And I walk over to a lady standing by the bench that Mrs. Lopez was at. She said she saw Lila on the slide and run over to the swings.

"Officer Chen come here!" Tim tells from across the playground.
"Thank you for your time." I shake the ladies hand and make my way quickly to Tim.
"Show this lady a picture of Emmett."
"Uh okay?" I grab my phone and show it to her.
"That's him. That's the guy. I didn't think anything of it because the girl willingly ran over to him." My heart stopped.
"He's supposed to be in prison." I look Tim.
"I know. Come on."
"Thank you for your time and information, ma'am." Tim shakes her hand and we walk away.
"I told the jail to contact me if he got released." Tim then clicks on "Sergeant Grey we need you. Meet me by the fountain."
"Yes?" He comes up to us.
"A lady gave a positive ID on Emmett Lang as taking Lila. Said he walked away quickly across the park to the back entrance.
"Isn't he supposed to be in prison still?"
"Yes and no one contacted me of his release."
"Let me make a call. Advise units of the new information for me and send a unit to see if there's any cameras that may have caught them leaving or the car he was in." Grey grabs out his phone and walks a few steps away.
"All units be advised, Lila Lang was last seen being taken by Emmett Lang on foot and exited the park at the rear entrance. Stand by for my information." That's when Nolan and Harper make there way to Lucy and I.
"Hey, we need a unit to go speak to the local shops see if anyone has any footage pointing towards the rear park entrance. Try and get plate or even a car make and model." He tells them.
"Sure, anything. How you guys holding up?"
"Trying to keep focus. It's hard... I'm scared for her. She hasn't seen him in months." Lucy shakes her head and I put a hand on her shoulder.
"Lucy... she will be okay. We will find her. Come on. Let's go see what Grey says."
We walked up to Grey and his face is full of shock, "Emmett escaped during the prison riot a few weeks ago."
"Why wasn't anyone here informed? The news! Someone." Tim is angry.
"Slipped through the cracks. Unfortunately it happens. Probably was chopped up as a casualty." Grey shakes his head.
I walk over and sit on a bench, I'm breathing heavy, borderline hyperventilating. Tears pull over and I put my hands on my face and just let them out.
Tim's POV
Red I am seeing red... that little girl, is as much my daughter as she is Lucy's. I love her with all my heart and soul, if anything happens to her I will not hesitate to kill him.
I am enraged to say the least that no one informed, the station, me, or Lucy. He tried to have her killed for petesake!
I look around for Lucy and see her crying with her head in hands.
"Grey?" He looks up at me, "can we have a few Tim and Lucy moments?"
"Of course. Get her to pull it together. Then go and help on trying to ID a vehicle."
"Thanks." I walk over to Lucy and pull her hands off her face and hold them in mine.
"Come here," I pull her to her feet and pull her into the best hug we could with our belts on.
"Tim... we can't." She goes to push me away but I tighten the hug.
"It's okay. Grey said to take a few moments". She rests her head on my chest. I feel a few tears slip down my face as well.
"Okay. I got that out. Now what's the plan?" She asks and stands up straight wiping a few stray tears from her face.
"Harper and Nolan are questioning the shops across the street and looking for a camera that would have seen them." I nod.
"I need to do something. I feel helpless."
"Let's go help them." I nod in the direction of the shops. "Hey we were just coming to see what shops you spoke to."
"We got a partial plate and car make model and color." Nolan tells us:
"I work with this." Harper takes the information and looks over it.
"Call it in. Meet us at the station." I tell them.
We go and talk to Emmett's mother and let her know what's going on. She said she hasn't heard from him and then she cries over Lila being gone Lucy comforts her for a few seconds and tells her to call immediately if she hears anything.

We arrive to the station and I see Wesley answering phones.
"Hey, how's Lucy?" He asks me.
"She's being strong... I'm sure her minds going back to you know... losing the baby. Fear of losing Lila. Hell I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared." I was honest with him.
"Yeah I've been here since I found out helping where I can. Angela even came in. She should be with Harper running the plate or something."
"Well what do we got?"
"A black Ford Fusion registered to a Nathan Lang."
"Emmett's brother." Lucy walks in and says she pulls her phone out and calls someone, "Mrs. Lang, has Nathan been in contact with you?" She ask Mrs. Lang there is a pause, "Can I send a officer out to get your statement about your last interaction?" Lucy nods at me and I go in the hallway and I find 2 officers I trust and send them with instructions on what to ask.
"Okay. So we got that. She says she didn't seem to indicate that anything was going on. So no leads." She comes out to me and runs her hands through her hair.
"Let's prepare a team to go to Nathan's house. I got the search warrant approved. No knock."
"That is why I love you." I tell her. Angela stands up and we nod and follow. Lucy is being extremely quiet and I can't take it.
At Nathan's house we park down the street and get in formation. Angela, the other officers, and I are going to breach the front. Lucy, Nyla and John and 2 other officers are going to breach the back door.
"There is possibly a child in that home. You don't shoot unless your sure you have to and she is nowhere in sight!" Angela announces. Thank you!

Lucy's POV
I keep thinking about Rose... I know that's selfish and stupid right now I should be thinking about Lila but in a way I am. I am thinking about the hole Rose left that Lila being gone is ripping open again. I need to find Lila. She's my baby girl, my everything, if I were to lose her I would not come back. She's my reason for breathing. She's the reason I snapped out of my zombie state... if I lose her . I'm going too.
Right now we are going to break down Emmett's brother Nathan's door. I hope she is here.
"All units be advised, making entry." Angela's voice
We go in through the fenced back door. Nyla let me lead the line. As soon as we entered the fence I felt 2 arms grab viciously and before I could react my weapon was thrown and something hard was pushed to my head. Hand wrapped around my neck.
"Anyone moves and she's dead."
"Let her go." I hear Tim's voice say.
"Where's Lila?" I croak. Tim shakes his head to tell me she's not in the house.
"Safe. I just used her as bait to get to you. I would never hurt my daughter. I'm not a monster." I scoff at him and he tightens his grip. "Now all of you better scram and get out of here... or I blow her brains out right now." He pushed the gun harder.
"I'm not leaving without her," Tim steps up and I shake my head as much as I can to tell him no.
He steps closer and Emmett shoots Tim in the shoulder.
"NO!" I scream. As the gun goes back to my head
"I said LEAVE!" Emmett screams.
"I will get them back. You stay strong Lucy." Tim and the rest of the crew fallback. Once there out of sight Emmett drops me.
"What do you want?"
"To finish the job I had started. Then Lila and I are going to flee to another country. I'm thinking Cuba.. Maybe, Jamaica." He taps his chin.
"I almost believed your apology in prison. How did you get out?" I ask from my spot on the ground. As he ties my hands up.
"Well, that prison riot... Nathan was visiting. Once the riot broke out I beat him to death and changed our clothes. No one cared about the body enough to notice the subtle differences." He yanks me up and drags me in the house.
"See you in a few hours." He hits me with something hard and I succumb to unconsciousness.
Tim's POV
"I'm not going to the hospital." I argue with Angela
"Yes you are. Why? Because I'm sidelining you. This case hit my desk so there for I'm in charge. Go get looked at, clear your head as much as possible and I'll think about letting you in the recovery mission. That's an order." I punch the wall on my way out.
"Hey, let me drive you." Grey comes up to me.
"She's right in there. And no ones doing anything!" I roar at him.
"You know there was no way to take him down without risking hitting Lucy." He tells me and we get in his car. "Air support is not leaving the area and we will catch a trail at some point. Lila wasn't there. He will lead us to her."
"So in the mean time, Lucy gets to be his punching bag?" I feel sick. "Pull over." Grey pulls over and I open the door and throw up.
"You good? You know I'm not going to let you in on this til you calm down."
"This is twice now Lucy got taken by him and I had my guard down..." I shake my head.
"Call me when your fixed up. I'll keep you updated." Grey pulls in front of the hospital and I get out and walk in. The only thing on my mind, is Lucy... she's gone again. I could lose her again. And Lila little boot, she doesn't deserve to be roped into this . She's an innocent child. I will bring them home and never let them go again.

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