'Katy you're excused, and your grounding is withdrawn,' Roger spoke very calmly.

'Thank you, I walked to the door. 'You okay mom?' I asked.

'Yes, I'm fine. I did not get hurt, but you young man,' mom turned on Andy, 'are in serious trouble,' she waged her finger at Andy.

Andy shuffled his feet, and lowered his head.

'Andy firstly you will apologize to your mom and Katy.'

'Sorry mom, sorry Katy,' he gave me those puppy dog looks.

I nodded, in acceptance of his apology.

'Now you will go downstairs,' Roger spoke again, 'get the mop and detergent and clean up this mess, and I will be back in half an hour to inspect your handiwork.'

'Yes sir,' Andy stammered.

Roger helped mom up as she went to her room to remove her damaged suit.

'Katy__' Andy mumbled, stopping me as I departed.

'I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I just wanted to play a trick on you,' he pleaded.

'Luckily I'm not in trouble any more, but you are,' I grinned through my tears.

'Do you forgive me?'

'I do Andy. The tooth paste was fine, but the oil was very dangerous. Next time consider the risks of what you do.'

He nodded sheepishly.

'Do you want my help with the mopping up?'

'No you won't help him Katy,' Roger spoke from behind me. 'The corrective measure is to ensure he learns the consequences of his actions.'

I nodded and hurried to my room, surprised that Roger had returned, when he told Andy he'd only be back thirty minutes later.

I was doubled minded about going to the party with Jamie. I had to drag myself out of the house. I did not bother dressing up, instead I had on my oldest pair of jeans and pumps, although I did dress up the jeans with a very chic evening silk shirt.

'You look beautiful,' Jamie complimented me. 'Wow I did not realize your hair was this long.' His fingers trailed over the length of my hair that cascaded down my shoulder.

I wrinkled my nose, 'I can hardly leave it all opened for school, so I always strap it into a pony,' I smiled.

'I'm sorry about Rafe's rude comments before we went on camp.'

'It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize,' I offered.

'I don't know what came over him. He's always so cool with all the guys.'

'Well let's not waste time talking about him,' I suggested.

'He is here you know.'

'He is! I mean it does not matter,' my heart was pumping wildly again.

Not that he will ever ask me to dance. I mean he can't stand me.

'Let's dance,' I dragged Jamie to the dance floor.

It was a ballad so we were able to talk.

'I'm not a mean person, you know Jamie.'

'I know that. And Matt and April told Rafe off, after you left. It seems he may have reconsidered his opinion about you. He was quiet after you left.'

No he hasn't. He was rude again, the day I met his sister.

'I dare you not to mention his name for the next half hour,' I grinned at Jamie.

My obsession with Rafe Vega : Teen FictionWhere stories live. Discover now