Chapter 19 - Traitor

Start from the beginning

"There is nothing to deny or admit to elder, it's that simple. The only contact I have with rogues is when I'm ending their lives, nothing more" I paused and looked at David "although I would like to know where this information came from."

"Rumors have been floating around Dominic's and David's packs" Thomas stated.

"And the rest of the Alphas?" I quizzed.

"I've heard nothing of the sort" Blake pitched "neither have I" Taylor, Chase and Lucas said.

"Well Alpha David and Dominic, you should pay no mind to rumors unless you have a reliable source" I challenged.

They both growled and then David smirked "I do have a reliable source."

"Well where are they?" I asked.

They blonde shaggy haired kid stepped in the room.


"Who is this?" elder Thomas frowned.

"Blaine Hanson-" I cut off Dominic "Also known as Thayer Mills, one of my pack members" I growled.

Thayer flinched at my tone while David smirked triumphantly.

"You've been given information out on your Alpha boy!" the elder growled, Thayer held his head down refusing to meet any of our eyes, especially mine.

"Answer me!" Thomas bellowed.

"I-I have" Thayer stuttered, "you do know that is treason" elder stated, Thayer whimpered and nodded.

"Alpha Case, what do you make of this? One of your own has sold you out, there is no denying what is now" David said.

I laughed a bit making him frown "you're nothing but a fool and as gullible as the boy standing right there. You're a snake even more so than Dominic."

Dominic and David flew out of their chairs growling at me, I was the one wearing the smirk now. I turned to the elder "since they have given you their 'source' may I offer my piece now?" I asked.

"I do not know what you can do to show that you are not guilty but you can try" Thomas said, I nodded and turned to Conner. He got up out of his chair and left the room, he came back a few minutes later with my laptop and a projector.

He placed it in the center of the table and hooked it up. He played the video that I recorded when Thayer was speaking to David.

David and Dominic's face held pure shock, that later turned into fury, the Elder's expression was nothing but anger.

When the video was finished the room was awkwardly silent, that is until David spoke "he read that on your laptop, which mean it would have to be true"

I stood, "what Thayer read, was something that I planted their as bait for him to find and seek out whom he was betraying his pack for. I wasn't surprised when I found out that it was you on the other side of the phone" I looked toward Thayer and his eyes held regret "I also know that you told him where his parents were originally from."

"Where were his parents from?" Alpha Lucas asked.

"They were from Dominic's pack, his mother and Dominic had a little history but nothing of importance" I stated.

The elder stood, "Alpha Case, I offer apologies for accusing you of such things. The boy has to come to me; the council will decide his punishment."

"No" I objected "he's my pack member I will give out his punishment."

Thomas looked a bit astonished but nodded slowly.

I turned to David and smiled, he growled at me as the others stood, around the table, Thayer whimpered and looked over at David "y-you said that you'd t-take me to see them" he cried.

"He lied" I blurted.

Thayer looked at me with wide eyes "you're parents have been dead for a long time Thayer" I informed him. He shook his head frantically then looked and David, "is that true?" he whispered.

"Yes" he didn't even care that he led on a little boy to his demise. Thayer looked like he was just punched in the stomach but hey, the truth hurts, and it hurts bad. I didn't feel a bit of pity or sympathy for him. He did this to himself.

"Caius" I called, I felt Caius' presence behind me along with Conner's "yes alpha" he replied.

"Take care of that. I'd like to go home."

Caius moved closer to Thayer, every step he took Thayer shook like a leaf and whimpered, the Alphas along with their betas watched in confusion in what he was doing. Thayer was frozen in place unable to move as Caius grabbed onto his arms, that's when he began to scream and the Alphas eyes widened in horror.

Caius tightened his hold on the screaming boy's arms and ripped them from their sockets, the blood splattered over the walls. He then swung the hand that he held and swiped Thayer's head clean off knocking it on one of the beta's laps whom jumped out of the chair screaming bloody murder.

The Elder and the Alphas all looked at me, disbelief dancing within each of their eyes, fear in David's and Dominic's.

I turned to David "fair warning Alpha David, messing with the weak has a price and I do not tolerate people who dare to corrupt the minds of my pack members. You will do well to remember that the next time you feel the need to play dirty"

His eyes widened and he took a step back.

I walked out the door with Caius and Conner following behind.

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