I don't care if it's infected, here's an icepack

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Art by Doroshi on Danbooru! 

"Oww... I think I bumped my head or something when I fell...Ehehe, guess I should've expected something like this!" Bennett said as he walked to the nurses office with Aether, "But, really, you didn't have to come.. I know people are scared of my bad luck, so you don't have to pretend.."

"Benneeeettt!! You're so cool and sweet, how could anyone not want to hang out with you because of some bad-"

Before Aether could finish his sentence, he was cut off when the door to the nurse's office swung open, hitting him square the face. It sounded painful as he stumbled back, grabbing his nose which had started bleeding. 

"Get out of here, Barbara. I didn't ask for your help today, nor do I need it. We're not even that busy right now so just get back to class," A stern voicee could be heard from on the other side of the door.

"But Miss Rosaria! I'm here for an apprenticeship! I want to recieve all the training I can!" Barbara said, but was interupted when Rosaria started pushing her out.

"OUT," She said sternly, finally becoming visible in front of the two boys. Barbara turned and looked over at Bennett, who was rubbing his head carefully, and Aether, who was gripping his bleeding nose.

"Looks like we have some people now!" Barbara said sweetly, grabbing the boys by their hands and bringing them back into the nurse's office. 

Rosaria only groaned as she closed the door again.

"I'm so sorry, Aether!!" Bennett was fretting over the boy, even after his nose had stopped bleeding.

"Why're you sorry, Bennett? Rosaria's the one that opened the door."

"And are you complaining about it?" Rosaria appeared behind Bennett with an icepack. 

"Ah, Miss Rosaria, I think Bennett actually cut his head.. You might want to use some disinfectant first," Barbara was already grabbing it from the cabinent. 

"It's all my fault!! You think it's a coincidence that as soon as we start talking about my bad luck, you get hit by a door and get a bloody nose?? If only I didn't go to this school... So many people would be safer!" Bennett's self-deprication was too painful to hear sometimes.

"But then we wouldn't have anyone to treat!" Barbara tried to look on the bright side, dabbing the disinfectant on his cut. 

"Yea, if you think about it, you're keeping the nurse's office in business!" Aether chimmed in. It sounded kinda weird, but if it perked him up at all, that's what mattered.

"Really?" Bennett looked up at Rosaria, who was still holding the icepack.

"I'm not in this conversation, but if you don't take this icepack before my arm starts hurting-"

"I'll take it! I'll take it!" Bennett quickly took the icepack.

"Aand.. done!" Barbara stepped away from the back of his head. She had put a small bandaid on it and recommeded him to ice it to make the swelling go down.

"Hehe, thanks Barbara! You always know exactly how to make me feel better!" Bennett smiled sweetly.

"Aw, thanks Bennett! I hope I can see you again soon!- Er.. of coarse, I don't want you to get hurt again.. but.."

"Ah! How about I bring the new transfer student to meet you here after school? He's really sweet and fun!"

"I braided his hair!" Aether chimmed in, only to recieve what sounded like a grumble(?) from Bennett.

(A/N I put a question mark there because Bennett's grumble probably sounded more like a weird sigh since he barely grumbles cause he's always so positive)

The three chatted for a few more minutes, waiting for Bennett's head bruise-thing to go down a bit until someone opened the door and walked in.

They could hear Rosaria's stern voice as she talked to the person.

"You again? Get back to class. I know you take your time coming in here for no reason at all just so you don't have to be in your classroom," Rosaria seemed more annoyed than usual with this particular patient.

"But I got a papercut. I think it's infected, it really burns.." 

Aether recognised the person's voice in a split second and felt butterflies rush into his stomach.

"Do I have blood on my face?!" He whispered to Barbara, who examined his face quietly.

"Not that I can tell.. But you do look like you just had a bloody nose, you're face is a bit red."

"Ughh, and he's gonna see me like this.." Aether groaned.

"Who?" Bennett asked.

"Yo," Xiao walked around the corner, his finger held up as if waiting for a bandaid. 

Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! :) 

I wanna start focusing on other genshin characters, but there's so manyyy. It's hard to pick just one, but I was thinking of introducing the seniors. I also like writing about these main ppl that I've been writing about hehe

If you have any suggestions for who I should write more about, feel free to tell me :3

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