Chapter 41

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The next morning, he woke up to find her missing from the bed, he had a shower and dressed up in some knee length pants only and without a top, he went downstairs where he met his wife in one of her baggy shirt that was mid thigh length, her hair loose and wavy, he stood shirtless by the kitchen door and was watching her by the stove,

Even thou the shirt was baggy, it didn't hide her huge bum, he moderate boobs, wide hips, narrow waist,

"Watchu doing" he asked, she turned to him with a smile,

"Good morning hubby" she said

"You left the bed" he said with a pout as he walked towards her and pulled her to him by the waist

"I wanted to make you breakfast" she said and she stood on her toe to nuzzle his nose, he always loves it when she stands on her toe to do this, he loves many things about her

"What are you making" he asked

"Waffles and Falooda" she said

"Then feed me woman cause am hungry, or else i will gobble you up" he said and kissed her

"I love it when you gobble me up"

"I love it when I gobble you up" he replied as he smacked her but making her scream a bit and he sat down by the island,

Some mountain later, they were having breakfast, talking and laughing, just like every other past weekend of their life,

Ever since the wedding, The president decided to limit some the assignments and job he has for her, so she became less busy and can sometimes work from home, also Yusuf decided to let his twins handle alot of things which means he was home alot and they get to spend it together and that was why he doesn't mind when she is to leave the country, its healthy to miss eachother for some days.

And when they are both free, they have some weekend getaway to go on to some country, or to visit family and friends, just like normal couples, they do fight, but at the end of the day, they fix it and move on, looking for new ways to make eachother happier.

In their marriage, there is nothing like gender specific job, they do stuffs together or let someone do it, sometimes he cooks, sometimes she does, sometimes they don't that's what the hired cooks are for, sometimes he drives, some times she does and sometimes they don't, they sit back and enjoy the view at the back,

One can decide to buy this and that for the other, one might wake and decide the other needs a change of something and it's bought, and that is how the narrator life should be.

"Have you noticed am bloated" she asked some day in the evening in Hawaii, they were in Hawaii for the summer, and she was checking out her bra and pant clad self in the mirror

"No" he replied from the bed as he was going through his phone

"You are not even watching" she snapped and threw a sleeping furry flip flop at him,

"Am watching and no you are not..... what's the word again"

"BLOATED" she snapped

"You are not bloated" he said with a straight face to convince her, his wife is always quick to get him

"Do you even know what bloated is" she asked turning from the long mirror to face him

"Umm who doesn't" he asked but she narrowed her eyes at him "fine what's bloated" he asked as he dodged series of cushions she was now hauling at him,

"Why do have so much cushions" he asked, she hissed and headed to the closet but he immediately stood up and pulled her back to him

"What's wrong" he asked

"I feel bloated" she saiD "my belly is getting big" she said

"Why doesn't it matter, it doesn't stop you from being beautiful" he said

"But I always feel full," she complained again

"Hey don't worry, if it something you are worried about, we should see a doctor" he said, she nodded and pulled her to his body

"Am hungry"she said pushing him a bit

"And she wonders why she bloats" he said earning him a punch to the stomach

"Woman you are getting violent" he said

"You didn't complain this morning under the covers" she said with smirk, knowing what she meant, he chuckled and pulled her back to his body, he always loves it when she is on his body,

"Hmm what to do about a naughty girl" he said

"And you love the naughty girl that way" she said and she stood on her toe to kiss him while his hands were round her waist,

"Yes i love the naughty girl, i love your every shade, i love you MAHNOOR KABIR TIJO".

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