chapter 32

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"Last night was a disaster" Zullu almost shouted, the next morning immediately she arrived at the already filled up table for breakfast

"Was it, we danced alot, babe we should do that more often" Noori said and pulled her her husbands face to her and nuzzled his nose as he chews on his chips

"Damn it was fun, everyone had fun, the dinner was a success" Salim said and almost everyone nodded and just as a happy conversation was about to begin , Zullu halted it,

"Tawa messed up the speech, i was made a laughing stock, i am made a laughing stock on social media knowing the reputation of my husband"

"Your reputation" Ameerah asked "Tawa was the one who messed it up and she isn't even that bothered, she had fun despite knowing her face will be trending worldwide for some short period of time" Ameerah added,

"And in my defense ,you knew i was bad with stuffs like that, we even agreed to cancel it" Tawa pointed

"Yeah but Noor could have easily stepped in like she was asked too" Zullu fired,

"And say what, pretend to go up there full of love for you" Noori calmly asked "I don't fake emotions"

"Am sure you won't understand the pressure, i am being bashed by his social media admirers, those girls that will do anything to get in his bed, they will do anything to be me" She continued

"To be honest, i care less, you just can't expect me to go up there and talk about stuffs am not feeling for you" Noori non chalantly said as she forwarded a fork full of kebab to her husband

"Oh .... "will you shut up and let us have breakfast, stop being a brat" Abbas snapped to everyone's shock,

"Ya Abbas i.... "shut up and eat if you want to if not let us eat in peace" Ya sudais added and almost everyone nodded in support of the two guys,

Zullu huffed and sat down on her chair glaring at Ali who was trying so hard to surpass her chuckles.

That evening there was a cocktail in the hotel and the very next day, in the morning all the men left for the cenetral mosque to witness the Nikah of Zulaila and Sayeed which was done based on the presented bride price which sums up to 500 thousand Naira,

"We said it was a million" she begun to complain as the ladies and her other bridesmaids were up in another huge suite,

She was in a cream ball gown adorned with gold just as a new bride should be

"Are you kidding me right now" Tawa asked

"We talked about it and he promised a million"

"Well he saw sense and reduced it" Ya Hadiza said while Tawa just hissed and focused on her phone again,

Almost two hours later, the men came back with the grooms and his men to a hearty feast organized by Noori at the hotel.

Come evening it was time for the bride to be taken to her home, which was base in Keffi nasarawa state just an hour or less drive to or from Abuja,

Zullu's house was beautiful story building of six rooms, it was spacious and so majestically furnished to her taste.

After a day or two Zullu's family set to fly back to Kano to continue their daily affairs and to Noori's surprise, Abbas gave her a later before leaving and even shook hands with Yusuf saying

"I wish you two the best in your married life, to me, you are the most lucky guy in the world because you will never find a girl like Mahnoor,  and if the invitation is still open, i will like to join you anywhere to celebrate your wedding" with that he followed the rest into the terminal in the airport,

"So Noori here is my address and my phone number, i want you to call me and visit me" Tawa said with a smile as she handed Noori a card

"Please do, the both of you" her husband said, Noori smiled and hugged Tawa while the guys exchanged handshakes,

"What will be up with you too" Ameerah asked as her and her husband stood by the car they came to the airport with

"Well me and my Queen here" Yusuf said as he snaked his hands round Mahnoor's waist "will be going for a two month vacay before the wedding frenzy fully kicks in"

"Ohhhh am jealous, Babe" Ameerah said pouting as she turned to her husband

"Don't even Babe me, he is his own boss and we agreed, vacations are always ending of the year and birthdays" her husband playfully scolded as she he pouts the more,

Noori and her husband laughed at the two "so we leave tonight" Noori added and true to her words that night one of their private plane flew of with them to Maldives for a start.

As they were enjoying their vacation, the president's family and her family were busy preparing for the wedding, Umma and the two wives were women who want the best and most expensive of everything as far the money was there,

So they were really preparing to have a blast for the four day wedding celebration, yeah the president had to make them reduce the days of celebrations because of his Goddaughter's complain,

With no other girl child under their care to marry off, they have married off all their female children, the two wives were all giddy to be part of this celebration and Umma being someone who lives for celebration like this was more than giddy, so the president and Noori's dad are always teasing them saying "zani ce, ta tarar da muje" (birds of the same feathers).

And just as Noori predicted, the three women had a clash of what the bride should wear on each occasion, so they decided they all take an event to plan and then Noori will wear each choice of their clothing,

The event planing turned into a competition, one trying to out do the others, the first lady took the luncheon party which was to happen on the first day of the wedding celebration after the day of the traditional wedding, in Kano

She felt cheated as they will see her plans first and they will try fixing some of their plans, imagine a whole first lady of the federation, one will think she should have enough on her plate than for her to be focusing on these, but hey, all work and no play makes the first lady a dull lady 😂😂

Then Umma was in charge of the wedding native dinner, imagine what does that even mean, well in Umma's defense, it means a huge normal dinner consisting of elites but dressed natively in Abuja

Then the second wife of president choose to plan the English dinner, which she explained to be just like umma's but no Native just English wears, gowns, suites and the rest, in Abuja

Then the mock daurin Aure that will be done in the central mosque and then two days later, the destination cocktail in Thailand which consists of just close family and friends summing up to fifty,

Noori had to put her feet down to the pleadings of the three women to add more fifty guest

"The money is there" Umma said

"We will take card of it" the first lady said

"It's not about that, it's about what i want" she insisted and they just have to let it be with promises of bigger celebration when she gives birth.

My heart healer (Mahnoor's story) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora