Chapter 77: The Kage Summit

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✨🎉🎁🎂!!Happy Birthday Nohara Rin!!🎂🎁🎉✨

(November 20th)

I'd like to promote a book of a friend here:


by kakashidollsimp

It's not completed yet, but so far, I've found it very interesting. It's a hilarious drama for all SasuNaru and GaaNaru Shippers.

Do go read the book when you are free and support the author!

You can find it by clicking on the highlighted profile above.

I've also mentioned this in my feed.

I hope you like the fic...

ST: Madara is still... alive?

Why are YOU so shocked? And's what with that expression?

ST: None of your business.

It is, when it involves MY book.

ST: Then what is someone else's book doing in yours?

I wanted to promote it. My reasons. None of your business.

ST: It is, when I'm constantly being aired here.

Oh for Kami's sake-; 

NN: Do you even know if the Audience WANT us to be aired? For all we know, you could just be harassing them with this conversations where you express yourself as a victim.

Hey! I'm not exactly playing victim. At least I don't intend to. I just wanted a reason to talk with Senju-sama here.

NN: Which Senju? There are two Senju here. According to your book, I am a Senju, right?

Right! I meant Tobirama-sama.

NN: Already on first-name basis?

Hush you! Can't even complain against your bullying, 'cause your Ojii-Sensei will take your side over mine.

ST: You've got that accurately.

Is it because she is your blood and a curious mind you cultivated?

ST: We have that as well, but I like messing with you.


NN: Author, you alright?


NN: I think you broke the Author, Ojii-sama...

ST: Oh the Author will survive. But till then, a question to you all readers:
        What is your opinion of this constant nonsense you read at the end of the chapters?
        Do you want them for every chapter?

        Or frequently?

        Or occasionally?
        Or 'I hate this. I wanted a chapter, not some nonsense where the Author unsuccessfully flirts with Tobirama!'

NN: Is the Author flirting? Isn't that problematic?

ST: If you say that because of Naoko, well, it's not much of a problem. If gender is the issue, I've already told you stories of mine and you've already made ridiculous assumptions. I can swing both ways.

NN: But the Author isn't revealing what gender they are...

ST: And those of you readers who know, keep quiet.

NN: If you ask me, Author wasn't flirting at all.

ST: I know. Never gave the author a chance. It's fun to mess with you, Author.

... (recovered) (only to go back to whatever I was a while ago- coma/breakdown/fainting)

ST: Dear readers, kindly ignore this imbecile and do answer my questions I stated above.
        Thank You.

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