♧ Untitled ♧

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Warnings: confusion, unclear storyline, quickly written


Dark room,
the scent of fear,
sound of crying,
holding someone near.

The shaking of a body,
the sound of their tears,
quiet footsteps,
shadows leer.

Comforting hug,
a shaky breath,
now all quiet,
still as death.

I held him close to me, I could feel his heartbeat racing as we silently hid, his breathing was surprisingly slow as well. The small boy huddled close, I could feel how cold he was, I'm surprised he wasn't dead. I rested my chin on his shoulder as we sat there, trying to keep him warm and calm, it seemed to work. The boy, well, young man, let out a quiet shaky sigh as we sat there, the silence consuming us. I knew him before this happened, he knew me as well, we were best friends... and now...? We're just two strangers hiding in a dark and damp closet from who knows what. I remember the first time I met him, it was at the little fair set up in town for the fourth of July, I was walking around with my younger cousin, taking him on rides, winning him prizes, and many other fun things. We went to the lemonade stand, and as we turned to leave, we ran into each other, the young man and I. My lemonade spilled on both of us, we both started apologizing profusely, which in the end made us laugh. He then smiled his cute lopsided smile and I properly heard his sweet voice for the first time, "Hey, sorry about that! Do you want me to buy you a new shirt?" I shook my head, "No, I'm good, but thanks! Do you want me to buy you a new shirt?" He just laughed, shaking his head, "No, there's no need to!" He wiped himself off with the hoodie he had tied around his waist before extending a lemony hand, "The name's Ponk! I know our encounter didn't start off great, so I'd like to make it better!" I laughed, smiling and shaking his hand, he had a strong, firm grip, "I'm Sam, nice to meet you, Ponk! And it's all good, no worries!" We ended up hanging out together for the rest of the day, I won him some prizes, we went on some rides with my cousin, and we overall had a lot of fun. I miss those days, especially now that we're trapped in this godforsaken closet. Man, how time flies...

I quietly inhaled, smelling something lemony yet not so harsh, it was a warm and calming smell, I only realized it was the young man huddled close to me when he shifted into a more comfortable position, his head now slightly resting on my shoulder. I gently smiled, my hand gently trailing down the side of his arm comfortingly, we both needed what little comfort could come from a situation like this. The smaller male snuggled closer to me, fear taking over once more as we began to hear shrill, distant screams of agony and terror. I held him tighter, resting my head atop his, his nearly white platinum blonde hair gently tickling my nose. I closed my eyes, remembering the day we met once more, the way his eyes sparkled as we went along, and how his smile outshone even the prettiest of smiles.

"I am so thankful for you, mi chico limón." The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them, but Ponk just smiled, hugging me close, "Te quiero hasta la luna y más allá" he then stood on his tippy toes and gave me the softest kiss I've ever experienced. It was like I had been kissed by a butterfly who was soft like a lamb and who had been blessed with the softest touch known to man, yet it was so sweet and simple, it radiated love. Pure, true, burning love. After the kiss, Ponk waved goodbye and hopped into his vehicle, I returned the wave before he pulled out of his parking spot and left, leaving me with a full mind and an even fuller heart. We normally exchanged phrases in spanish, though not all the time, it was a sweet thing we came up with, since we both knew at least some spanish from our lives prior to meeting one another. After Ponk had left, I returned to my own vehicle and drove home.

Ponk began to shiver, I was unsure if it was fear or cold, for there was a chilly breeze coming from somewhere beside us. The distant screams cut off shortly after they began, but that didn't make any of us feel any better as we huddled there, hidden from whatever was hunting us. I know we weren't even close to being a thing anymore, but I placed a soft, reassuring kiss on Ponk's forehead, which caused his shivering to cease and him to relax slightly. I smiled softly and gently caressed his cheek, doing anything I could to bring him some sort of comfort, I didn't want him to accidentally unveil our hiding spot. Just as Ponk was about to place his hand over mine, the closet door burst open, revealing us to the creatures who hunted us.

I'm terribly sorry if the spanish is incorrect at all, I had to use Google translate ):

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