Vampire Money

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Warning: This includes themes such as BDSM, Painplay , ownership, and Bloodplay. Reader discretion is advised.

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(Revenge Gerard)

Recently, you had a new neighbor move in. It had been a while since you had any new neighbors, so this was a change of pace. Hopefully they aren't an insufferable prick like the last neighbor.

You gathered your courage and went to knock at their door. A few seconds later a tall, pasty man with disheveled long black hair stood in front of her. "So you must be my neighbor, huh?" He said, observing you. You nodded. "Yeah, I'm just here to give you the welcome!" You said, blushing slightly. He smiled, showing off his tiny teeth, and chuckled. "Whats your name?" You told him, and he told you his. "Nice to meet you, Gerard." "Likewise. Wanna come inside? Maybe have a drink?" He asked. You nodded and stepped in, looking around at the well furnished small apartment. "Cmon, sit down on the couch. I don't mind!" He ushered, and you sat down, a little nervous. He came back with two sparkling water glasses, and gave you one, and sat next to you. You took a small sip. First thing you had noticed about him, he was attractive. Very attractive. And he was very hospitable.

"So when did you get here?" You looked away. "About...two years ago." He smiled. "It must be nice living here." You chuckled. "Well, my last neighbors were absolutely insufferable, but you seem much better than them," You said, and he chuckled, and sipped from the glass. You glanced at him but noticed

"Well, anyways.." You two kept on chatting and you started feeling more comfortable around him. He seems so charismatic, and...just...amazing. You were starry eyed with him. Eventually you had to leave, he slipped you a paper with his number on it, and you said your goodbyes, but when time came to couldn't stop thinking about him.

He stayed in your mind all night. His beautiful smile..his hair...his gorgeous frame...his delicate hands...god everything about him just drove you wild. You were absolutely smitten. He was beautiful. You continued to think about him all night while trying to sleep. You weren't too successful at that.


Over the next few weeks he had been a bit coy with you. He was giving you drinks, chatting with you, getting closer to you, It was nice.

You knocked on the door yet again, and you saw him again- ...woah. He looked nice in his black suit and red tie. He looked stunning. He smirked. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said, and chuckled. You blushed. "Come in, come in." He ushered you in, and immediately went to serve you two a drink. You sat on the couch as you have done multiple times before. You were wearing lace stockings and a red dress with black lace accents. He came back and sat next to you, handing you the blood red wine glass.

He observed you as you sipped the drink. "Can i be...brutally honest to you?" You set down the drink on the coffee table. "Yes?" "First off, I'm a vampire-incubus. You probably noticed my fangs by now..." You sat back in shock. He chuckled. "You shouldn't be so shocked, there's plenty of us in the apartment complex. And all around here! Hell, my friends are vampires!" You sat there, not knowing exactly how to process this info, or how to react. "Okay...what else..?" "Second off, I think you're very beautiful, Like...really beautiful. And the whole time I've been with've driven me crazy, but like not in a bad way..." You were taken aback...flustered, shocked even? Maybe a little nervous.

Gerard Way x Reader smuts (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now