Chapter 11: Knocked Up With Two Kids

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11. Knocked Up With Two Kids

"I want that, and that, and that," Shane said, pointing at different snacks.

Chase chuckled and grabbed them off the top shelf.

"Okay, you're milking it now," I told my brother.

He looked at me with his widened brown eyes. "And you forgot me."

"I did not forget you," I huffed. "And Chase, don't give that to him. There's only so much money I can spend on him."

"I could have been kidnapped by a stranger," my brother continued.

"They'd let you go after two minutes in a car with you, trust me," I muttered.

"A mean stranger who would have taken me away."

"One less problem right?" I retorted.

"Of course, I could tell mom and da-"

"Okay, I'll get you your damn chocolates," I reluctantly agreed. "Among the other crap I've gotten you."

"Bad word!" he yelled.

"That's not a know what? Let's just get you your stuff and go."

A smug smile appeared on his face, and he walked ahead of Chase and I towards the cash register.

"You did forget to pick him up though," Chase whispered to me.

I nudged him. "And he doesn't need to know that."

I paid for Shane's stuff and Chase drove us home, where my brother begged him to stay a while longer.

I was finishing up the last toenail I was painting when Chase slipped through the space left open by my bedroom door.

He collapsed onto my bed, scattering some of my items. "Your brother has way too much energy."

"Well that's why you spend time with him instead," I joked. "At least he'll shut up about my lack of good memory."

I handed him a bottle of nude nail polish and he chuckled, taking my hand anyway.

"So..." I began as he carefully began to paint the first fingernail.

"So..." he echoed.

"You know that party Jules asked you to go to? The one on Saturday?"

Chase nodded. "I have recollection, yes."

"Turns out I'll be there too," I said.

"What, did you and Val decide to go?" he asked, deeply concentrating on not messing up my nails.

"Actually Spencer asked me," I clarified. "To go...with him."

Chase's head snapped upwards. "I thought you said-"

"That he's just tutoring me," I finished. "And yes, he is. I guess we're friends now."

He let out a skeptical laugh. "Please Lee, you don't really believe that any guy who asks you to hang out wants to hang out as just a friend do you?"

I frowned. "Why not? You're my friend, we hang out don't we?"

He paused for a moment. "That's different."

"Different how?"

"I've known you since forever," he said. "I look out for you. Other guys have different agendas."

"How do you know Spencer won't look out for me?" I challenged.

"Not in the way I would," he answered immediately. "Look, I'm not saying he's a bad guy, because frankly I don't know enough about him to judge. All I'm saying is that it's not uncommon for guys to have ulterior motives. Even the ones as nice as Spencer."

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