Chapter two: Wedding

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Present time: Naomi and Yamato's wedding

At the garden of big house in one of the biggest house in Tokyo,there was a big wedding ceremony.Because Naomi wanted her friends to attend,also the big family of SWORD to attend,there wasn't any big place for them to hold a ceremony.
It was simple:White flower decorations on borders and just green grasses.It was Naomi's friend's house which was her schoolmate in middle school.Mika~chan wasn't able to contact with Naomi for years,but one day she learned where Naomi is living at old schoolmate's meeting from childhood.Naomi couldn't attend here,because there was Chiharu's birthday party,so there was big fuss.
Then Mika~chan came to Ittokan,it was a memorable time for two of this girl,they went to same middle school,they shared same table,their bentos,their everything,but when Naomi's brother took her away they couldn't even say each other.They spent whole 4 years just Mika's coming to Ittokan,and it was just their chatting about what they didn't know about each other,they talked about old days,sometimes they just went for a walk,they went to countryside in holidays,and the 4 years walked as wind for them.
Now Naomi is wedding,her schoolmates came for her,some of them had a contact with her,they last came when her brother died,but they tried to comfort her as much as they can,now they are on her happy day.

Cobra,Rocky,Murayama,Takeshi,Hyuga,Kohaku and just their members -all of them sit around one table,another members just sat on tables where they friends sat,it was just a mix up sitting.
For the first time Cobra wore a black suit without anything,and white shirt inside.He didn't likes it ,but it was his best friend's wedding,so show him his love he tried to look cool to each others.
Noboru was wearing,black jeans jacket ,and black trousers,it looked very cool,but at the same time,Noboru looked like just an ordinary boy who is in his 20s who went out with his friends to just hook up with girls.
All the guys was like that,they were so happy that their friend's wedding,also for SWORD members,it was their first time to attending wedding who is in not their gang
30-20 minutes before the wedding all the members came to wedding,they warned each other that the friends of Naomi will come,so they shouldn't make a fuss here.Some of the boys including-Dan,Tettsu and others,they wanted to hit on Naomi's friends.But Cobra didn't let them to do it.Because it wasn't their ordinary day.
When Naomi's friends arrived they saw the half of garden's filled with all suited guys who looked cool but at the same time scary,some of them looked at them like they will eat them.So they hurried and celebrated Naomi about her wedding and sat around tables,they didn't tried to make an eye contact with the groom's friends.

Dan:Oi,why they doesn't try to look at us?Look,we dressed coolly,and we are handsome at all,right?
Cobra:You're not cool or handsome,don't try too much
With this answer Dan acted like he is hurt fakely
Tettsu:He broke Dan'san's heart,look,look,he is bleeding
Noboru:Oi,don't play any child games,if anything goes wrong,Naomi will be angry at Yamato,and then Yamato will be angry at us,you know?if you don't want to die,just stay quiet.
Chiharu:You talk like that,because all the girls just look at you,Cobra~san,and other fake handsome guys,you can't understand us
With this words all of them just laughed.
Then after 1 or 2 hours Naomi and Yamato prepared to cut their wedding pasta.When they took knife on their hands,one red dressed girl runned at them from door,with childish smile at her face.Some of the attendees just laughed at her childish thing,but Sword members who doesn't know her was just shocked
Naomi asked her with great shine on her eyes:Suzu? What're you don't here.
Suzu:Hai,Hai.You should greet me right?Omedeto Naomi'san,Yamato'kun.I'm Suzu Miyumi.Naomi's best best best friend ever
Then Mika runned towards them
Mika:looks like the little witch arrived right?
Naomi:You should be in America, what're you doing here
Suzu:Look,today is my best friend is getting married ,so-
Mika:Oi you can talk later let's just sit,let them cut cake,so we can eat,right?
Mika just took hand of her and took her to table where she sit.
Then Suzu's eyes meet with Cobra's,who she had known for years.
Cobra was just looking at her frozen.At first he couldn't think that it was a girl he had known.Then without any regret he walked towards them.
Members at table were just shocked with Cobra's sudden move, they're just sitting and watching curiously what will happen next

That's for today,hope you'll enjoy Don't forget to vote,if you want you can write any comment about the book(つ≧▽≦)つ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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