"You guys go and stay on it!" Rapunzel said and Varian, Eugene, Lance, and I all ran after it. When we caught up to it, Rapunzel had it trapped in her hair. The figure was fighting against the restraints and growling. Rapunzel glanced back at me with a confused look and I sighed. "That's just a human. Pretty deranged one at that." I mutter the last part under my breath. Rapunzel slowly lifted up the skull mask and the woman behind it yelled making us yell. Rapunzel placed the mask back down on her. "Who are you?" Rapunzel asked and the woman flipped her mask back up. "Captain Creighton, world class big game tracker, at your service. Do you treat all Corona's guests this way?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. We all went back to the palace to 'welcome the new guest' as Rapunzel put it.

We all stood around the table as Creighton ate like an animal. "Should we be impressed or disgusted?" Lance asked only for Creighton to burp. "Disgusted it is." Lance answered his own question. "So, uh, Captain, what is a world class tracker doing in Corona?" Rapunzel asked. "Uh, tracking?" "Okay, yeah, that's on me." Rapunzel said and Red and Angry both giggled. "I could've been more specific. Tracking what?" Rapunzel asked. "Uh, that thing that's been terrorizing your sheep? A werewolf." She said and I sighed slightly disappointed. "Now who do I gotta slug to get a glass of water around here, huh?" She asked. "She just said werewolf didn't she?" Eugene asked and I nodded. "Sadly. Damn I was really hoping for a skinwalker." I said crossing my arms with a pout. "Are you serious? You wanted a skinwalker more than a werewolf?" Varian asked me mad I nodded. "A skinwalker would have been so much cooler!" I said and Varian facepalmed before a large thud was heard.

Creighton had placed a large book onto the table. "It's all right here in this book. What we are dealing with here is Maledicta Lupus, the wolfs curse. But, for you laymen, a werewolf." She said before opening the book. "The wolf's curse travels the globe in search of host bodies. It feeds on untapped rage, so it's ideal host is someone who harbors a deep seated anger. It inhabits his body, and causes him to turn into a raging werewolf every full moon for the rest of his life." She said before slamming the book shut. "And here's where it gets interesting. The has a new home here in Corona." She said and Lance peeked out from under the table. "Who is it?" He asked. "Who is it?" Creighton said mocking him. "If I knew that, you think I'd be wasting my time with you milksops? The wolf can be anybody!" She said only for everyone but me to gasp. "But the good news is I'm not just tracking this thing." She said before pulling out a crossbow with large arrows. "I'm not leaving Corona until I've destroyed it."

Rapunzel hummed before clearing her throat and approaching Creighton. "Let me be clear, Captain." Rapunzel said pushing Creighton's feet off the table. "You will not be destroying anything in my kingdom." Rapunzel said with a glare. "Oh, I'm not sure you can stop me." Creighton said and before she knew it she was thrown out of the castle. "Oh, you're making a huge mistake!" Creighton said pointing an arrow at Rapunzel. "I will take that ch-" Rapunzel cut herself off by slamming the doors. "I didn't time that right. I wanted to slam it after chance." Rapunzel explained. "We knew what you were going for, yeah." Eugene said and we all nodded.

"Okay guys. There's a werewolf out there, and we have to take action." Rapunzel said looking through the book that Creighton left. "Uh, excuse me, uh, princess, ha, just a question here. Uh, was throwing the werewolf hunter out of the castle the best idea?" Lance asked. "I agree with Lance on this one. You should have kept her in the castle. That way you knew where she was at all times." Varian said and I nodded. "But, you heard her! She wants to destroy the monster. Well, that monster is one of my subjects." Rapunzel said. "So, we have to find it before she can." Eugene said and Rapunzel looked at me. "(Y/n) do you think you can find this werewolf?" Rapunzel asked me and I nodded. "I'll do my best. I can also tell you the kind of weapons she has with her and how she probably plans on killing the werewolf. Since she's a world class hunter that means she doesn't only kill werewolves. She's going to have more tricks up her sleeves than that." I said and Rapunzel nodded. "So, the plan is we do this quietly. We do not want a panic on our hands." Rapunzel said before opening the palace door to only hear yelling and screaming. Rapunzel quickly closed the door and had her back up against it. "Okay, we're gonna need a new plan." Rapunzel said and we all nodded.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now