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Before I begin, I must give a brief summary of  my life, I am studying computer science currently and have some normal boring intrests.

Other than that, I have a family business thay I am expected to continue.

Now the reason I started this when I did.

Jiya. The girl I love

I don't even know how long ago we met feels like yesterday tbh. She is someone who makes my heart melt.

Now you must understand, we aren't in a normal relationship, we are in a bdsm relationship, if you don't know what that is, the simplest explanation I can think of is, I own her.

By owning her, I mean guiding her how to go about her day, setting tasks and making sure they get done, taking care of her emotionally.

Since she and I lives about 1000 kms apart physical comfort is something that is difficult and trust me, not being able to squeeze her into my chest is frustrating.

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