It's Been A While

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Hehe... hey guys, long time no see!... Er, I guess the correct saying in this case would be long time no update? No conversation? I don't know.

Anyways! I felt like posting and I guess letting anyone who cares know that I'm alive.

Yes. I'm still alive.

Also I'm still working on a lot of stuff. But as life goes on I'm just trying to survive. And that's all we can really do.

An update on the whole gender thing.

I'm trying out the name Reiky. I like it a lot and am starting to think it might be the one.

Also I'm hoping to come out as pan and nonbinary to my parents in the next month. So uh, fingers crossed that that actually happens 😅

On another note, my mental health is continuing to do whatever the heck it wants. But I've been trying my best to just hold on.

I have good days. And bad days. Anxiety's a bitch that I wish I would punch 🙂

But yeah. Also, school starts back up in less than a month and I am not prepared for the level of actual human interaction I will be facing 😭

I uh, think that's pretty much it. How've y'all been doing?

Hopefully your hanging on, but I'm always here to lend a hand, or an ear... or whatever you need!

But yeah I think that's all for now.

See ya later you fabulous human!

With love,
Reiky 🧡🖤💚

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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