"Does Rhys know?" Azriel ignored her.

"I'm sure he should at any second now." Cassian nodded, raising his brows as he stared intently at nothing.

Fuck, Florence. What are you doing?

"Do you really believe she'd keep her word?" Nesta added. "If she's alive."

"I do." Azriel confirmed. "We have no reason to believe otherwise."

"Yes," Mor breathed. "But perhaps she's angry at us. She once told me Divine's emotions were magnified. They feel what we feel, much more stronger. Maybe she acted on whim." She suggested.

Azriel stared at her with frustration. "Do you not believe she'd keep her word? She's been nothing, but generous and-merciful!"

Nesta sneered. "Yes, merciful. You're pathetic, Azriel. She's life and death. She could kill you and this bargain could be over. We are nothing but pawns in her bigger game!"

"What bigger game is she playing then? Please, tell me," Azriel rubbed his temples, shaking his head. "No. I need to go." He muttered before slipping away with his shadows to his room.

He couldn't take this. Florence wouldn't. She's a lady of her word. She'd never go back on it, let alone kill him. It was foolish, they were foolish. Foolish for believing that she'd betray them. Florence told Azriel once that they'd grown on her. She'd learned to care for them. She'd never purposely betray them.


Azriel scoffed at the thought of Florence betraying them. She'd never, and he knew it. Florence would not leave them vulnerable during a war. She'd return.

Because she had to. She also promised Azriel that.

It was piteous, but he had to try again.

You promised me you'd come back. I'm counting on that, Goddess.

Azriel swore he heard Florence laugh. A pitiful, saddened laugh.

You're my friend, Florence. Laugh all you want, I know I sound senseless. But come back, please. Come back and tell me another awful joke. Come back, please just come back to Night Court.

He heard nothing this time. She left no response.

Hurt. She hurt him. She was hurting him. How was he supposed to trust her when she wouldn't even reply to him? But the laugh-it had to be something. A sign. That she's still there, listening.

Please, Florence. Please come back in the end.

Florence couldn't leave them. No, if Koschei won this war, he'd dominate this realm. He'd kill all who challenge him. He'd kill any who can usurp his throne. And that'd cause trouble for Florence. It'd be worth more trouble than she'd like to admit, but she'd have to kill him.

Promise me. Promise me you'll be safe and steer clear of any recklessness.

But once again, she had not replied.

Azriel inhaled deeply, sighing. It doesn't matter. Not anymore.

It doesn't matter that Florence isn't responding. She can hear him. Yes. And that's enough for him. As long as she can hear him, all will be okay.

But Cauldron, it took every ounce of his strength to not go and beg General Zaliki for access to Florence's realm. Beg that she let him see Florence once more.

Realization hit him. Florence pulled back her legions. General Zaliki no longer resided in Night Court. She was gone. The General was no longer there. There was no way to access her realm. Not anymore.

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