Yan Zhi.

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After eating breakfast and freshening up, Li Mingyu took his team to the roof and showed them the scene of hell on earth.

Zombies were eating humans, people were screaming, dead bodies were littered around. The walking deads were banging on doors of every house they saw. The once peaceful town became hell in one night.

Xiao Yun was scared and clung to Li Mingyu. Li Mingyu patted his head and said to others

"What do you all think of this world?"

Yu Bao looked at the scene below and because of his ability kept calm and said.

"It's hell."

Li Mingyu nodded and again asked

"Now say can you all think of survivng here, in this house?"

This time Li Bai said

"Not possible. City G is very populated city, if we want to survive it better be in military area or a countryside."

Appreciating the thoughtfulness of his little brother, Li Mingyu made it easy and told them

" This world is changing, Zombies are the visible enemies but humans are now your invisible enemies. Remember this always that now except each other don't believe anyone easily no, you better test their trust!"

Li Yunxi was quite shaken while Li Hai listened on.

"From now we all are one family, food, clothes and other things...I will take care of them, you all only need to improve your ability so you can survive, getting the point?"

All of them nodded including Xiao Yun.

Li Mingyu put away his serious expression and said to Li Yunxi and Yu Hua.

"You girls pack some important things at home and give it to me later, grab the quilts and pillows too, and your suitcases too, Alright?"

Li Yunxi and Yu Hua looks at each other and than nods at Li Mingyu.

Li Mingyu looks at Li Bai.

"Make our lunch and dinner for today, we might be on road all day."

Li Bai leaves taking Song He to help him.

Li Hai looks at his brother who now looked at him and Yu Bao.

"You 2 decide our route to City Z. It's almost on edge of our country. We can't take highways, so decide the citys we will stop."

Yu Bao and Li Hai nods and goes downstair. Now only Li Mingyu and Xiao Yun were standing at roof.

"Xiao Yun, can you fly?"

Xiao Yun looked at Li Mingyu with curiosity and nodded
"I can!"

"How far and for how much?"

"Mm, I can fly as far as i want for how much...Nnn i guess 10 minutes?"

"Not bad, can you fly around and see if some people got guns and are firing?"


Saying so the little child hesitates for a minute then slowly two beautiful wings sprout from his back and levitates him from the ground. He looks at the surrounding and then leave the roof still a bit scared.

Li Mingyu remembers how the main gong and Mc met.

It was a town near city G, Means his town. The Main gong named Yan Zhi was from Military family with many forces and power in country, Yan Zhi was the grandson of This Yan family's head. He came to this place to investigate some underground activities with his brother Yan Huang. But who knew that to save him Yan Huang was bitten by the zombie.

Before Yan Huang could become zombie the protagonist killed him, no not Yan Zhi but Ji Rui who had just joined and because of that these two became enemies, soon enough it will change into love-hate relationship...very funny.

The author added one line at that time.

[If Yan Zhi knew that his brother would not become zombie because of this but someone powerful then he would strangle Ji Rui even if he developed
Feelings for him]

Isn't this too obvious?? If someone killed my siblings and said blah blah blah, no matter the excuse i will kill them, they were my family and their life and death got nothing to with someone else. More so for a stranger.

Narrator: what's the plan?

Li Mingyu: ...You are?

Narrator: stop wasting lines and tell the deal.

Li Mingyu: No hello no bye, such a rude guy, well plan is simple, before Ji Rui can kill Yan Huang i need to show the power of zombie vaccine.

Narrator: You targetting the Yan family?

Li Mingyu: Nah only Yan Huang. Yan Zhi is main gong and will be op and Ji Rui...please who wants this white lotus!

Narrator: Yan Zhi won't leave Yan Huang.

Li Mingyu: Then he needs to leave Ji Rui simple.

Narrator: not bad, its really simple.

(The picture above was Yan Zhi and can be no he might be or you can just say he is Ml)

Transmigrated into apocalypse novel.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora