1. Kidnapped

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The following story has disturbing content that is for mature audiences only. This story is fucked up!

Running away from home was probably the best thing that had ever happened to her. Though being eighteen, she was legally an adult. So this really couldn't count as running away.

Honestly, leaving her bitchy mom behind was the highlight of her life. Her mom was always yelling at her and grounding her over the stupidest things. The best way to get rid of that problem without doing something that would land her in prison was to run far, far away.

So now here she was in the middle of the day, on the edge of town walking the tree line. She had her backpack filled with supplies hanging limply on her back. In the pack was food that would last her three days tops, a bottle of water, a knife, some matches, two books, a change of clothes, and a blanket. It wasn't much, but she was hoping it would last her till she made it to the next town over.

As she walked the tree line she had an eerie feeling that she was being watched. She whirled around, looking everywhere, but nothing was there. "I just must still be jumpy from drugging mom so I could escape." She whispered as the image of putting a ton of nyquil in her mother's food filled her mind.

But the young girl was not being jumpy, there was in fact a creature stalking her, with intentions of taking her as his mate. His kind could only ever produce males, so every few years one of them would kidnap a human female and make her his mate. Rarely did it end well for the woman, the wolf-men often killed their mates due to the fact that they wouldn't cooperate. Which is why there was so few left alive. The population was decreasing and this male seen it as his job to help boost the population.

He eyed the female walking towards him. He couldn't tell if she had the proper body for bearing his pups but at this point he was desperate. No human female walked alone anymore, which was why he had to take her. He might not have another chance like this in his lifetime. He stood as still as he could be, slowing his breathing so that she would not hear him.

Just as she walked past him he leaped out and hit her over the head. He tried not to hit her hard enough to cause permanent damage, he just wanted to hit her hard enough to knock her out. He tried to pry the backpack off of her so she would be lighter to carry, but it was one of those ones that not just had straps but also buckled across the front. Just as he was about to rip it off of her, the sound of an approaching car caused him to disappear with her in the woods.

He held her securely in his two arms as he ran through the woods. He weaved through trees and bushes, making sure to make it hard for anyone to follow him. The beast then crossed a creek to make it even harder to follow them. The water only was about knee deep, but he still made sure to keep the woman well out of it. He went through all of this trouble to make sure no one would ever find his new mate and take her away from him.

A wolf-man's instincts to protect his mate and pups is strong, which is why he'll often choose a den site that would kill anything that tried to get into it. More often than not he would pick a cave that had a thirty foot plus drop. So nothing would want to climb to the cave, cause if they were to slip while climbing, they would be plummeting to certain death. The urge to protect was the only thing the wolf-man felt as he got closer and closer to the cave. He wanted to get her away from prying eyes as soon as possible.

He carefully maneuvered her over his shoulders and started his ascent to the cave. In a matter of seconds the wolf had climbed the rock cliff and was at the mouth of the cave. Now it wasn't a huge cave, but it had a main chamber and two passages that lead to smaller chambers. Making it was big enough for him to raise a family in. He moved the human from his shoulders to the back of the cave's main chamber. He wanted her to be as far away from the cave entrance as he could get her incase she got scared and decided to do something stupid.
(He would've put her in one of the passage chambers but the first passage was a bathroom passage and the second was blocked off by a large rock.)

Kidnapped by the Wolf-manWhere stories live. Discover now