“ Really.” She laughed. “ Now stop being all moody. I need your help with my necklace.”

 “ Sure.” He smiled at her, taking a few seashells she liked to show her. She wanted to use one as a pendant, but she wasn’t sure which one.

 “ What about this one?” She asked, taking one of the seashells he was holding. “ Mom, what’s the name of this one?” She yelled at her mother, who was seated closer to the water.

 “ That’s an American star, honey. You already asked me that like three times.” Her mom laughed, watching as Shawn helped Camila turn the chosen seashell into a pendant. 

 “ Sorry. It’s hard to keep up with all these names.” Camila laughed with her, letting Shawn put the necklace around her neck as she held her hair not to get in the way. “ So, what do you think?” Camila asked Shawn as they both admired her new necklace.

 “ It looks beautiful on you.” Shawn told her with a smile and Camila felt really weird when her cheeks started burning under his stare. He was always too sweet with her, but she never reacted like that.

 “ Thank you, Shawn.” She smiled, quickly standing up and walking to where her mom was so she could get in the water for a moment. The sun was too hot, that was probably why her face was burning like that.

 “ Do you think we can go back there this week?” Camila asked, thinking about her mom’s favorite place to pick seashells. “ I wanted to add some new ones to her collection.”

 “ Of course.” Shawn agreed, watching as a wave crashed and the water touched both of their feet. “ Actually, what about we go there today?”

 “ Today?” Camila asked, looking at him in confusion. “ It would be dark already by the time we got there.”

 “ I know.” He said, taking one of her hands and playing with her fingers. “ I thought maybe we could turn this into a little camp trip. We could stay the night and look for the seashells in the morning before coming back. What do you say?”

 Camila smiled at him, nodding her head before kissing his lips. She thought that was a great idea, if not perfect. That part of the beach was very isolated, so the camping idea was very exciting. She also knew they both had the same thing in mind. They hadn’t been able to get much alone time around the two houses, not if they wanted to be careful this time, so this is the perfect opportunity.

 An hour later, the both of them started their long walk to the spot on the beach they were used to going to years before. Besides the camping tent to set up and their sleeping bags, they didn’t have much. Camila had packed them some snacks and water, also remembering to get some flashlights and her camera. The sky was getting dark and the sun was almost gone when they finally reached their destination, but that only made it all even more beautiful. Camila managed to take a few pictures before it got completely dark and in a few minutes, Shawn had already set their tent up. The two of them sat down to watch the waves for a while, the stars shining as Camila relaxed in Shawn’s arms.

*[smut warning]*

 “ This place still looks beautiful.” Camila smiled, looking at the water hitting the rocks as she felt Shawn’s lips on her neck and shoulder.

 “ Do you still have the necklace?” Shawn asked, his hot breath against her skin making her burn in desire.

 “ No, I lost it.” She confessed, turning her face to look at him.

 She could see in his eyes they were thinking the same thing, so Camila turned around and straddled his lap, kissing his lips with a hunger she didn’t know she had inside her. She could feel his hands all over her, his calloused fingers soft yet demanding.

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