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My brain: hu what if you!-
My brain: to late :D
Me: ...... I fucking hate you.
My brain: but you wanna do itttt.....
Me: ..... I do....
My brain: dooooo itttttttt!
My brain: sure, last time....
Me: *starting to write again*
My brain: oh! What if you-

“So wait.” Egg says rubbing thor temples. “You're telling me that this ‘Dream’ guy is trying to destroy the universe?” The other two higher gods nodded, looking sulum as they explained the crisis at hand. Egg knew it was bad, but not this horrid. Foolish looked uneasy, shifting in his seat as the other two spoke. 
“Yes, unintentionally or not we don’t know.” XD answered. Egg nervously stood, now pacing as they thought. The other three watched quietly, though it didn’t last long as Kristien spoke up again. 
“Now, as far as we know, Egg’s prophecy concludes a way to stop this from happening.” The two lower gods perked up hearing this, the red and gold themed god stopping in their tracks to listen. “We know there is a chosen avian that will stop this from happening, but we still need to find as many avians as we can.” Foolish was once again confused. 
“I thought avians were extinct? Some are still alive?” Kristien nodded, getting up and tapping the orb gently. The others stood, crowding around her as she tapped the orb. 
“Let’s see…” Slowly her face fell, eyes widening. “One…? There is one more left?” Her face scrunches up, yellow eyes clouding in confusion. “This doesn’t make sense, how did his parents suppress their son's avian side? Why would the parents do this to him?” Everyone looked at the orb in surprise, especially XD. Before them was a face he’d seen many times before. 
“Is that who I think it is?” She slowly nods, moving away from the orb covering her face. 
“My children… Why must they suffer so much?” Foolish frowned, looking up from the orb and walking over to Kristien to hug the other. 
“It’s ok, we’ll help him. We’ll unlock his avian side. I have a feeling he means something in this prophecy too.” Egg kept staring at the male before them, smiling slightly as he reached out touching the newly discovered avian's cheek. 
“Next king… What other secrets are you hiding?” 

+ + +

Quackity sat sadly in his, Charlie, and Sam’s room, the man next to him rubbing his back as he leaned on his shoulder. Charlie was looking out the window quietly while Quackity sadly cried. “I don’t like the kings.” Charlie mumbles, finally looking over towards his two companions. 
“He’s a prince? And he didn’t tell me?” Quackity sniffled. This hurt, especially since he had told the other almost everything about himself. How he was an orphan, how his parents died, past mistakes he’d rather forget, and his own inner problems he still sometimes struggled with. “I-I bet Karl knew too! Those two were always closer than they were with me.” Sam felt horrible hearing this coming from his little brother, pulling the other closer still rubbing his back in comfort. 
“I’m sure that’s not true-” 
“A-And now his own parents don’t like me!” Sam frowned. “Why? They didn’t even have a full conversation with me! Is there something wrong with me or something? Do I just look like a horrible person?” 
“No, Quackity. You are an awesome and kind person! You inspire so many who come in contact with you, Quack if you hadn’t come to live with me when you did i probably would have given up on my job as a guard.” This surprised the shorter male, looking up at the creeper hybrid with wide eyes. 
“What?” Sam smiled, nodding as if to confirm he had really said those words. 
“When you came to live with me, I was already planning on leaving the ranks. But, you started watching me train. And one day you came out and told me you wanted to be just like me when you grew up.” Quackity smiled, huffing a laugh. Charlie scooted closer, interested in this story. “I asked you why, and your answer still sticks with me to this day. You said ‘Because you fight for what’s right’ and that ‘You protect our king, I think that's an awesome job. I want you to train me so I can be just like you and help you and fight for what’s right.’” Quacktiy sniffled, wiping away his tears as a small smile grew on his face. “And you have, for many years now.” 
“I have, huh?” Quackity happily smiled, looking up at his brother figure in happiness. 
“Yes, so don’t let some judgemental parents get in your way!” Quackity quickly nods, smiling brighter by his words. “Sucks though, we were kicked out of the meeting because of them not wanting you there.” 
“Well, you could have gone.” Quackity mumbles. Charlie frowns, crossing his arms. 
“No, why would we want to go to that meeting when our friend is hurting? I don’t feel like being around those stupid kings anyways.” The slime hybrid grumbles. Sam nods in agreement. 
“We’ll just hear what happened from someone that was there.” 

+ + +

“So, you're saying that Dream and his whole army is on his way here.” Phil says, trying to understand what the other two kings were trying to say. “And you got this information from your son, who was a spy from the inside.” Bad nods. 
“Sure, why not.” Wilbur chuckles, leaning back in his seat. “So, where is this Sapnap then?” 
“He’s convincing king Eret to join our side as we speak.” Everyone looked surprised by this, though the ones from the Egg kingdom looked as if this wasn’t huge news. “He’ll be joining us soon.” 
“With the Pride kingdom on our side?” Technoblade asked, looking skeptical. 
“Hopefully.” Skeppy answers. The others looked suspicious. 
“What do we do while we wait?” Tubbo asks quietly, though got the attention of everyone in the room. 
“We wait, and prepare for Dream’s attack. With a small idea of when he’ll attack it may be a good idea to start evacuating the villages.” 
“Great ideas!” All heads turned to the new voice, seeing two well dressed people staring back. “But, may I speak as well?” The red and gold covered person asked. Almost everyone stood up, some pulling weapons out. The male behind them looked at the companion in fear, but the hooded person only smirked, raising a hand and flicking it. Within seconds the people in the room were covered in red vines, the vines strapping the others back into their seats. “It’s not very polite to point swords at a god, mortals.” With that the hood came down, revealing glowing red and gold eyes. The kings from the Egg kingdom gasped, eyes widening at the sight. The god before them looked back, but frowned at the kings, almost looking pissed. “I’ll get to you two in a minute.” Turning back around to pull the other, what they were guessing, god out from behind themselves. “I am The Egg, and this is foolish. Our higher ups sent us to fix this mess with you, and find a certain avian.” This made everyone perk up. “Now.” They looked back to the two egg kings. “Who said you could speak for me when telling the next king he wouldn’t be accepted by me?” 

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