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Ranboo sat at a table with many other people. Tubbo next to him held his hand in a comforting way, the smaller rubbing the tallers knuckles as if it was an attempt to keep him calm. The person he learned was Philza sat in front of him, two other people he was yet to learn the names of sat on either side of him, Tommy sitting next to Ranboo still curiously staring at the other, his blue eyes every once in a while tracing back to the two hybrids entwined hands. “So, you say you were kidnapped by dream, like Tommy?” The brown haired male asked, curiosity lacing his tone.  
“Um, yeah. I was ten I think.” Ranboo confirmed. 
“You think?” The brownette again asked. Ranboo was about to speak again before Tubbo spoke up. 
“He has memory problems.” Tubbo explained. “He probably doesn’t remember exactly how old he was.” 
“Well, did you always have memory problems?” This time it was Philza. Ranboo tried to remember. 
“I’m not sure… I think so.” Ranboo answers. Philza sympathetically smiles. 
“Well, I have a question.” Ranboo looks over to Tommy. “How come I never saw you?” Ranboo shifted in his seat. 
“Well he kept me in a room I wasn’t allowed out of. A few people knew about it and there was a person that was down there alot too. I’m not surprised you didn’t know about me.” Ranboo mumbled. Tommy looked deep in thought before talking again. 
“There was an area in the castle I wasn’t allowed in. Dream made it clear I’d be grounded if I went near it. Maybe that's where he kept you?” Ranboo shrugged. 
“Did he spill any of his plans to you?” The pink haired pig hybrid growled. To this point he had been quiet so when he spoke the enderman hybrid jumped. Ranboo thought for a minute before remembering something Dream mentioned many times in his visits. 
“He said he was looking for this… crystal? He said he needed Tommy to find it. That only avians could find it. He mentioned the name once, but I can’t remember it.” Ranboo looked down towards the table. “I’m sorry.” Tubbo squeezed his hand making the half and half gaze over to the goat hybrid. 
“It’s ok Ranboo you’re trying to help, that's all that matters.” The enderman hybrid smiled gratefully at the other. 
“I still can't believe Dream would do this though.” Ranboo looked over towards Tommy, who was slouched over. His wings were droopy as well, looking as if he couldn’t hold them up.

“I-I think I’m gonna go and clear my head.” The blond stood, the brownette on the other side standing as well. 

“I’ll come with you.” Tommy smiled gratefully before making his way to the doors. 

“Well, you just told us that bit of information helped greatly.” Philza spoke up. “At least now we have an idea what Dream is doing, and why he stole Tommy in the first place.” 

“I still think there's more to it. I don’t think he stole Tommy just for that reason, dad.” The pinkette grumbled. 

“You could be right.” Philza sighed, standing up slowly. “But we don’t know for sure. So unless we can capture Dream and ask him ourselves we will never truly know.” Tubbo still sat quietly, seeming to be having an inside battle of his own. “Well, thank you for cuaporating!” The blond cheerfully said. Ranboo gave the other a strange look. 

“Don’t you care that we broke in?” The pinkette snorted at his question, the king himself humming amusingly. 

“You’d be surprised how normal it is.” The avain answered. “Actually I think there was another group that broke in. yet we are still searching. Apparently they dressed up as soldiers, so I guess they must be somewhat professional.” He shrugged. The pig hybrid sighed. 

“We really need to tighten security around here.” 

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