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Fourteen years ago. . .

"Be careful Techno, you don't want to drop him now." Philza's hands hovered under the baby in the five-year-olds arms, his blue eyes sparkling at the sight of his new brother. The baby was currently sleeping, and the pig hybrid just stared down at the child with bright eyes. Philza and Rose watched with happiness at the interaction. Wilbur watched from his mother's arms, also wanting to hold Theseus, but was told he couldn't because of his age. He was three, only now being to hold simple sentences.

"He's so cute!" Techno exclaimed, holding the other closer to himself. Rose chuckled, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness.

"You looked like him once upon a time too, Techno." The five-year-old looked up with wonder.

"I did?" Philza nodded, a huge smile taking over his face.

"We all did at some point, Blade." Amazement filled the young boy, looking down at his little brother once more.

"Is he gonna grow up like me and Will?" Philza nodded, slowly removing his hands from under Techno's own.

"He'll grow up to be just like you two." The pink-haired child liked that idea, smiling brightly at the thought.

"Can we play in the snow with him?" An innocent question, but one That made the mother happy.

"When he's older, dear." Techno frowned at the answer he got from his mother.

"When will that be?" Technoblade was not known to be a patient child, always wanting to do something once the idea pops into his mind. Philza sighed, scratching his chin in thought.

"Give it a few years, bud." Techno pouted but slowly nodded.

"Hurry up and grow so we can play!" The two parents laughed at the hybrid's words, Philza slowly taking the child out of the boy's tired arms.

Present. . .

Technoblade didn't understand the draw he had to this prince, Dreams bother. How come none of them knew about the green bastard having a little brother? He was dragging the avian out of the castle, avoiding major battle areas and fires. Once they finally made it out of the castle and made it out of the hold of the walls, Techno started his way to the campsite. "Can you not hold my arms so tight?" The prince growled. And even though he had given an attitude, Techno loosened his hold. What was this? Why did he feel like he knew the other once upon a time? Why was this avian so familiar-looking? How did they not know that king Dream has a brother? Once at the campsite, another question filled his mind.

How was one of their parents an avian? The species was hard to come across, only seven are known to be alive today. And by the history that Wilbur and Technoblade were forced to learn, King Dreams' parents were both humans, not one ounce of hybrid blood in them. And never heard or learned anything about the dead king and queen adopting either. Forcing the avian to sit, Techno started the interrogation.

"Who are you." The teen looked up with startled eyes, but they soon hardened in rage.

"I've already told you, I am Dream's brother." Technoblade laughed at the boy, who now was looking uncertain.

"I doubt it, his parents never adopted a kid, and Dream was an only child as far as the rest of the world is concerned. So again, who are you." The blond looked pale now, his gray wings shivering in fear.

"I-I'm telling the truth! Dream is my brother!" Techno was getting ready to start yelling at the other before his brother came bounding over.

"Techno, who is that?" The brown-haired male looked concerned, looking down at the avian probably only now realizing the teen had wings. His brown eyes widened at the sight. "Who is this?" He looked back at his older brother expecting an answer.

"Apparently, dreams little brother." Wilbur's eyes turned dark, turning back to the other.

"Family, you say?" Techno could see the crazed look his brother had, The prince obviously noticed the expression too because he cowered away from the other teen quickly.

"Yes, family I suppose. But it doesn't make sense, the dead king and queen never adopted, and never had a second child, nor where either of them avians or had avain blood." Wilbur seemed to catch on to what the other was saying.

"You think the bastard stole this kid?" Techno sighed, why did he need to word it like that? And right in front of the kid they were talking about? The winged teen seemed to get angry at the accusations.

"He did not kidnap me! He told me he grew up with me! Had to raise me once our parents died! He's been there for me and he is my brother! He'd never lie to me!" Wilbur rolled his eyes at the other, Technoblade giving an obvious not convinced look. This angered the avian further, but before he could start screaming again a voice interrupted.

"What is going on over here?" It was Philza, and when Techno looked behind himself he saw the other wasn't very pleased.

"An interrogation, dad." Phil let an annoyed sigh leave his mouth, brown eyes obviously showing the two sons how done he is with their shenanigans.

"And Who are you interrogating?" At that the two brothers moved out of the way, revealing the boy that was hidden by their bodies. Philza looked at the other, his anger slowly drifting away as shock and sadness replaced it. Technoblade and his brother shared a look, before looking back at their father who now was taking slow steps forwards. Once he was right in front of the winged boy, he finally spoke. "T-Theseus?" His voice sounded broken, shaking hands making their way to the others' face. Theseus? Why did that sound so familiar? Then it hit him, a memory from long ago. He was holding a baby, who looked back at him, their wings laying snug against their body, blue eyes meeting other blue eyes. Their blond father was now crying, and Technoblade just sat shocked by his new discovery. But Wilbur was looking at his family members like they were insane.

"What the actual fuck is happening?"

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