" Alright alright, you can't blame me for being curious." he then looked at me and pointed,

" I'll see you later to finish what we started baby." he then laughed and walked out.

"Fucking asshole." I mumbled under my breath. Alessandro cleared his throat,

"I'm glad you two were able to pick up your friendship again." I smiled,

"Yeah that kid will always have a special place in my heart." I grabbed my coffee and proceed to sit on the stool next to the island. We were quiet for a while just staring into our empty coffee cups. I would say that this silence was awkward but it was quite the opposite, it was comforting and it felt good. It wasn't until Alessandro broke the silence,

"You know, Luca will come around, it might take some time but he cares too much for you." I cringed at Alessandro's words as I remembered the conversation I had with Luca.. I laughed,

"I really doubt that but thanks." Alessandro put his hand on my back making me turn my face towards him,

"If it's any better, I will always care for you, no matter what." he cupped my cheek and leaned closer, I sighed,

"Alessandro-" but immediately I was cut off by Vincenzo barging into the kitchen,

"Boss, we have eyes on them." Alessandro got up and pulled me with him while Vincenzo led the way, Vincenzo is Alessandro's number one trained assassin. Vincenzo was younger than all of us when Alessandro picked him up off the streets. He had a tough exterior and once Alessandro began to train him, he was merciless. It took a while for Vincenzo to open up to us but once he did, we realized this kid was the biggest sweetheart, he just never experienced what being part of a family was like. Franco and Vincenzo were like two peas in a pod, given they were the same age, even though they were continuously competing against each other but at the end of the day, all they had for each other was love.

As we walked down the hallway Vincenzo looked back at me and winked,

"Damn Killer, you're looking better than ever." Alessandro slapped the back of his head, Vincenzo just laughed. He then reached forward and opened the door to Alessandro's office to find Rico sitting in front of 2 screens all split into 8 camera angles. Rico was the third musketeer in the group. Franco, Vincenzo, and Rico did everything together. They were even sent on mission together because they worked so well. Rico was a bit older than them by 3 years but he definitely acted like the child of the group. Unlike Vincenzo, Rico grew up in this lifestyle. His father was my father's right hand and when he was born, my father took him under his wing and trained him to be the best just like he did with Alessandro and I. Rico quickly gained my father's trust, so much that my father said I would have competition in becoming boss, but along the way Rico decided to not take his job so seriously and Alessandro ended up taking over. I don't know the full story given that I was gone.

Rico started,

" Boss you won't believe where these figlio di puttana (son of a bitches) were at last night." He turned over mid laugh,

" Santo Cazzo Di Merda!! (Holy fucking shit)Am I seeing a fucking ghost? Is that who I think it is?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the screens, Vincenzo laughed and joined Rico,

" Don't start Rico." I warned him. he laughed

"Wow Killer how long has it been since you ran off on us? You aged like un buon vino (fine wine) " Rico playfully hit his shoulder,

"Wait until you see the back side." they both were in fits of laughter until Alessandro barked,

"è abbastanza (that's enough) show me what you found." they both immediately stopped and composed themselves before Rico proceed to roll back the camera footage. Rico then starts,

" At exactly 11:02pm you can see them walking towards the entrance of your club, "Ombra" but the weird thing is, that they walk in one by one and exactly 3 mins behind each other." He plays the footage and we see Niall walking into the club at exactly 11:02pm and at 11:05 we see louis walking in then followed by Liam at 11:08 pm and finally Harry walks in at 11:11pm. We can see the bouncer does not even question them as they walk in, he doesn't even look in their direction.

" Another thing is that once inside the club, none of them go to each other they all stay in a separate part of the club." he shows us the footage and you can see when Niall walks in and goes straight into a booth right next to the dance floor and orders a drink, Next we see Louis go to the dance floor and start dancing with a random girl , Liam walks in and goes to the back of the club where there are tables with girls dancing on top of them, but as he passes Niall, neither of them seem to even acknowledge each other's presence. Finally we see Harry come into frame but he goes straight to a stool next to the bar. For the next hour they stay in that same position Niall ordering drinks after drinks and rejecting every girl that approaches him, Liam continues to watch the girls dance, Louis is still in the same position in the club switching girls from time to time and Harry still with the same drink in his hand is now in conversation with a man next to him.

"That's all they do until 12:45 pm when they begin to leave in the same way they came in." Rico then shows us them leaving and the footage ends. We stay in silence for a while until I break the silence.

" Find me the man that Harry was talking to on the bar and bring him." Vincenzo looks at me and then turns to Alessandro and then back to me until Alessandro speaks,

"You heard her now bring him and bring me that bouncer and who ever hired him." Vincenzo smiles and looks at Rico

"Shes baaaaaacccckkkkk." he giggled and Rico joined him,

"They're back." Rico corrected as he came up to me and wrapped me in the biggest bear hug ever he leaned in and whispered in my ear,

" We really did miss you." he pulled away and kissed the top of my head. He turned back to Vincenzo and they both headed to the door when Rico whispered to Vincenzo.

"lei è cresciuta, quell'asino. ( she grew up, that ass.)" then they walked away laughing.

"Assholes." I murmured. I walked over to the computer to look over the footage incase I missed something,

"Those two never change do they?" I laughed and looked at Alessandro,

"Oh this is just the beginning, they've gotten worse with age." we both laughed and continued studying the footage until we heard the door slam. We got up as Vincenzo came running in the room,

"siamo stati colpiti ( we have been hit)" 

Escape // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now