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Harry's POV:

"Please stop! No more!" I cry as he kicks me again. "Please."

He laughs as he foot collides with my nose. I feel blood gush out, I try to scramble away but he grabs me by my hair and yanks me backwards.

"No you don't queer boy. Give me that money bag." He says, trying to pull the bag from my hands. I'm holding on as hard as I can, whilst trying to get away. He kicks my side, the pain is excruciating. I fly back and hit the wall.

He pulls the bag from me.

"Let me go. You have the money." I beg.

He laughs as his kicks me over and over again.

"LOU!" I scream, sitting up. My eyes open wide. I feel like the air is being squeezed from my lungs. The pain shoots throughout my body. It's too much to bare. Then everything goes black.


Author's POV:

"What's happened? Is he ok?" Louis panicked as they ran back to Harry's room, bursting through the door.

They were greeted by a worried looking Anne and the Doctor.

"We think he was having a nightmare. He woke up and his heart rate sky rocketed again. The meds didn't work, I've put him on a higher dose. He's stable now." The Doctor explained.

Louis sat and took Harry's hand.

"He called your name Louis." Anne said as the Doctor left the room.

"He did? Did he stutter?"

"No. He shouted Lou, then blacked out."

Louis held his hand tighter. A tear fell from his eye, which he tried to hide.

"He'll wake up soon asking for you. Don't cry love."

Louis nodded, but didn't reply. He was silently praying for Harry to wake up, so they could go home and cuddle.


Harry slept a lot. His body had a lot of recovering to do.

It was two days later before he woke up again. Louis, Anne and Gemma all by his side. His step Dad, Robin was also present.

Harry's POV:

I hear voices in the distance. Christ I feel so tired. I want to open my eyes. I want to see who the voices belong to.

It's a struggle, but slowly my eyes open.

"Hey love." To my left I see a figure. Once the blurriness has gone, I see my Mum. She looks beautiful. I've missed her.


She's holding my hand. "How are you feeling?"

I try to lift my arm up, but it's extremely painful.

"Don't move it darling. You fractured your shoulder."

"Harry?" Another voice. Opposite Mum is Louis. God I've missed him so much. He's so pretty, with his pretty blue eyes and pretty mouth. I smile.


"Hi love. So happy to see you." His voice sounds sad though.

I frown. "What's wrong?" I manage to say. Talking is so exhausting.

He's about to answer, when I remember what happened. I take deeps breaths and start panicking.

"Harry love. Try and calm down. You're safe here. Nobody will hurt you."

I cry. It hurts. I was mugged.

Louis pulls me close to him. I breathe in his scent. I've missed his smell. Immediately I start to relax in his arms, despite the pain soaring through my body. The tears are falling fast, as he rubs my back. I open my eyes and see my family all looking worriedly at me.

"Shhh shhh. Its OK. You're OK."

I don't want to let him go, ever. But he lays me down against the pillow.

"Don't leave me." I whisper.

"I won't. I promise."

Later, when my family left, Louis stayed behind. I'm glad. But he looks worn out.

"You...should rest." I say. I'm tired too.

"I don't want to leave you." He smiles. "I love you so much."

"Love you too." I yawn. "But you need sleep."

"I'll come back right on visiting time. Your phone is right there." He points beside the bed and I nod. "You get plenty of sleep and i'll see you soon." He leans over and kisses me gently. "I love you."

"Love you." I say. Tears creeping down my cheeks, which he wipes away. He kisses me again and he's gone.

I cry. I don't want to be alone. I've never liked being on my own, but it's even more so now. Every time I close my eyes, I see that man. I see him kicking me, punching me.

I'm still wide awake at 4am. I guess all the sleep I had since it happened isn't helping.

A nurse comes in to check on me.

"Hello. Why are you still awake?" She asks as she checks my pulse and blood pressure.

"I keep thinking of...of that night."

"I'm sorry that happened to you Harry. Shall I talk to the Doctor? See if we can get you something to help you sleep?"

She's so nice. I nod. "Yes please."

She smiles, writes my stats on my chart and leaves, assumingly to talk to the Doctor.

Ten minutes later, she's back. "Here you go. Take these and you should sleep." She hands me a cup with two little white pills in, and a cup of water. I take the pills and drink the water.

"That's it. I'll see you in a few hours." She says as she tucks me in and leaves me in peace.

It doesn't take long before my eyelids feel heavy. I think of Louis as I slowly drift off into what I hope will be a peaceful sleep, with no more nightmares.


Sorry if this was rubbish.

Hope you're all OK. All the love. L. Xx


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