"Dad. I love that you're checking in on me, but you also have to believe me when I tell you that I'm fine because I am... Okay? I'm not sneaking pills."

Billy nodding, believing her.

"Thank you. I'd still feel better if you had a real breakfast."

Liv chuckled, shaking her head and leaving out the door.

Later that day, Haiden walked into Rescue Smoothies, stopping when she saw Jordan pissed off.

Jordan, Asher and Liv were near the door. Asher was confused just as much as Olivia. All he'd done was try to help Jordan, instead he received the short end of the stick.

"Man, gotta love a lecture from Asher Adams about doing it the right way. Tell me which way was that again? Steroids, or giving the other team our play? I can't remember."

"Jordan!" Liv exclaimed.

"I'm out of here. Hey, sis."

Asher decided to leave too with Jordan's words replaying through his mind on the way out.

Liv sighed, sitting at the table and taking out her laptop. She decided to work on her podcast, asking Haiden for tips and her opinion.

Haiden didn't mind, though the talking made her mouth dry. She spotted Liv's water bottle, picking it up.

"Hey, can I have some water?" Haiden asked, twisting the top off.


Haiden stopped, taking in the alcoholic scent. She looked to Olivia who looked everywhere but at her.


"It's not what you think."

"Oh? Is this water with a scented spray? Dude, you sound dumb."

"I'd appreciate if you didn't call me that. I'm not using again. I.. Drink... Sometimes."

Haiden scoffed.

"Not pills. Pills are my addiction, and drinking is just... I--I have it under control, okay?"

"You're playing with fire, Olivia, and deep down, you know it."

"I know."

Liv felt bad for lying to her family but it was for the best. Little did she know, Laura had gotten her hairbrush tested while the girls conversed.

That night when she got home, she sighed, laying eyes on Olivia.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late."

"Oh, no worries. I got you extra shrimp wontons." Liv said, giving the cold water bottle to her sister.

"Liv, I owe you an apology." Laura blurted.

"Mom, is this about breakfast? It's cool, I don't care."

"Uh... I had your hair tested."

"You what? But I... I don't understand."

"I'm sorry. I--I was worried you were using again, and I panicked, but you've earned my trust, so I'm not gonna look. I just hope you'll forgive me for betraying your trust in me."

Liv looked to Haiden then back to her mother holding an envelope. She grabbed the envelope from her hand, fiddling with the edges.

"Can you open it?"

Laura shook her head.

"I don't need to, honey. I trust you. I want you to open it."


Haiden shook her head, going upstairs. She didn't want to get caught in Liv's mess and hated seeing her lie through her teeth.

If the family only knew
what was to come.

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