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The next morning, the Baker family sat on the couch, waiting to hear what Olivia had to say.

Haiden sat between her mother and brother, checking the time. Liv made sure she had their attention before she began speaking.

"Do you know how sad it is that I had to send 911 texts just to get you here to talk to me?"

"Okay, what are you talking about?" Billy questioned, glancing at Laura.

Liv sighed.

"I'm talking about the fact that I feel invisible in my own family. You guys are so goal-oriented. You live in the future, always focused on the next game, the next win, the next campaign. It's like you don't see the details in the present."

"Babygirl, obviously we see you." Billy stated.

"Do you? I mean why do you think I started using drugs in the first place? Being the party girl at least gave me something, and then still, you didn't notice until I almost OD'd. Then you just threw money at the problem, shipped me off to rehab and poof, I was magically fixed."

"It was not a magical fix, nobody thought that. Honey, it's what you needed." Laura sadly spoke.

"Yeah but it's not all that I needed. Post rehab, Spencer and Haiden were the only people to ask if I'm really okay. All of you just assumed I was and moved on."

Jordan, Laura and Billy exchanged looks while Haiden smirked in amusement.

"We're so, so sorry but you've been so strong. You're right. We should've been paying closer attention."

"I just don't want us to keep making the same mistake. I mean, look what happened with Haiden.."

Haiden spoke with a warning tone.

"I'm sorry but they need to know. Haiden was raped. It happened months ago."

The others exclaimed.

"And what about Jordan? He smoked weed, stayed out all night and there was no consequence from you guys. All you cared about was if he was ready for the big game or not."

"I'm sorry, what? What is she talking about, Billy?" Laura questioned her husband.

"I'm sorry. I thought she knew." Liv apologized.

"No. I don't know, so somebody better start talking now."

"You're unbelievable." Haiden said, glaring at Liv as she got up.

"Haiden, we are not done with you."

"What the hell is she talking about? Rape? Haiden, why wouldn't you tell us about something like this?" Billy interrogated the senior.

"You mean so the whole school can find out and slut shame me? I think I'll pass."

"This ain't just something to throw away. Who was it?" He persisted.

"No." She stated, moving past her parents.

"No? What do you mean, no?"

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