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After the whole salon Chuu sunbaenim thing we headed to KBS.

You know comeback, live stages, and more.

I wonder if I still have it in me, it's been a while since I tried dancing and as for singing, I believe I've still got it.

In fact, before I went abroad, I used to stick with jiyoon and help her compose some of her songs and I'm the one who will sing her song for the demo and when I was in Canada, they usually made me sing when there is an event, so...

"Oi, whatchu thinking Kim?" Jiyoon asked popping out of nowhere and breaking me from my terrace.

"I'm thinking about whether I could still dance after what happened and if I will be still able to perform with you guys," I replied.

"Wow, straightforward aren't we? Of course, you can! And you WILL. You just need some practice to warm up those skills, I bet when you do Soeun's gonna ask you to teach her some of your moves," she said while rubbing my back.

"Thanks bud, btw you guys did really well in the rehearsals ey? I can really tell that you guys practiced really hard," I complimented.

"Thanks! And you will join us soon so better be prepared when Soojin unnie asks us to do the same choreography five more times before we go home," Soeun butted in on our conversation.

"Thanks for the heads up," I said.

"Btw, it's already lunchtime. What do you guys want to eat? My treat!" I said.

"Ohooo~ You're kind today huh? Should I just tell Jihan to always throw a bottle at your face every morning if this is the result that we are getting?" Monday asked while approaching us followed by Soeun.

"Don't you dare Kim... I don't want my beautiful and handsome face to be filled with bruises, how can I perform with you guys if my face looks beat up?" I said acting as if I'm checking my face with an imaginary mirror in my hands.


"Handsome your face pervert-nim,"

And just like that Soeun and Jimin went back to their places.

"Don't worry even if you will look beaten up Jihyo will still like you~" Jiyoon teased enough for Jihan to hear.

"I'm right here you know?" The said girl uttered beside us.

"I know, mine's pizza btw," Jiyoon said.


"You said you're treating us right? So mine's pizza," she explained returning to her place.

"What about you Jihyo? What would you like for lunch?" I asked the girl beside me.

"I'm really not that hungry so maybe some bread will do," she replied.

"Noted!" I said before walking to others and ask them their order.

"Aight! I'll head out now, anything you guys want to add? How about drinks?" I asked.

"How about some bubble tea? How's that sound hm?" Soojin unnie suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Soeun said followed by others nodding their heads.

"Oh! And some cheese balls unnie!" Jaehee added.

"Alright! Unnie just text me their bubble tea order hm? I'll head out now," I said to Soojin unnie.

"Yup, be careful on your way Y/n," Soojin unnie reminded me.

"Yes, mom," I joked before going out.

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