1. Under the same stars

Start from the beginning

"Something isn't right here, don't you think so?" Maya glanced at Snape, "Why is he the Headmaster and not McGonagall?" she asked in a quieter voice, so only her friend would hear her. "I mean, look at her. She's perfect"

"She is," the Ravenclaw looked at Professor McGonagall, "If only she ruled here, everything would look different."

Minerva felt the two witch's stare, so she shifted her eyes at them as well. Not really sure what to do, both of the girls sent their Professor a small smile and turned back to the plates.

"Personally, I would feel much safer," said Maya, "It's not that I'm accusing Snape of not being trustful, but.." she stopped for a while to think, "No-- actually, this is exactly what I'm doing. I can't even tell one good thing he has ever done for the past seven years. He hates everyone and is the most mysterious person I have ever met. Merlin knows what secrets this man has."

"You have a point," Eris agreed, "He's not dangerous, but something about him simply isn't right."

As the dinner came to the end, all the students parted ways to their dorms. Almost all.

"Argyris, your Common Room is the opposite way," Maya looked at her friend, whose plan didn't contain going back. Not for now, at least.

"I know," she grinned at Maya and stepped up to her, preening at the fact she was taller than the blonde.

"Please don't get yourself in trouble. A talk with Severus about not expelling you is the last thing I need," the Slytherin whimpered.

"Didn't think I would hear such words from a Slytherin. You guys have something for being wild," she responded in a cocky tone, making Miss Middleton cross her arms on her chest. "Alright, I won't. I promise," she rolled her eyes playfully, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." they headed in the opposite directions.

Eris wasn't a lawbreaker. Sometimes she just needed one more while than others to breathe. She sneaked to her place for another cigarette for better sleep. She had to think about everything this one more time, not being bothered.

She shared her dorm with three other Ravenclaws, who enjoyed deep talks at night. If you only heard them, you would be surprised with how much youth those girls were filled. From poems to music, wars, and mystical creatures. Every topic that ever existed was discussed by them.

"Hey there, Anthony," Eris looked up into the sky, "Look who's smoking again," she laughed, remembering how they always used to do it together and lit the burn.

She dragged into the cigarette, to then let the smoke out from her corrupted lungs. It vanished into the air, leaving the bittersweet taste on her tongue and making a bunch of memories tangle in her mind.

"I know you're not sitting next to me, but hey, at least we're lying under the same stars, mate," she chuckled and began wandering slowly around.

"How is Maya, you're asking?" she spoke, with the one-third finished burn in her palms, "She's alright, but you can easily notice she hasn't slept well for a while now. No matter how much make-up she uses, she still looks lifeless. I'm worried about her, but I don't blame her. Hogwarts has changed.. a lot. You wouldn't recognise it. None of us does, in fact."

While walking around, her eyes noticed a crack in the stone. There were thousands of them, yet this one caught her attention. It was a small hole where she hid her lighter sometimes. There were times when it was just necessary and she didn't want to lose it.

In her fifth year, the lovely Dolores Umbridge was the one in control of everything. Of the school, rules, students. It was a living horror. Eris remembered her detention in detail. Sneaking out, just like this very evening. Getting caught, then being led to Umbridge's office, and the bloody quill.

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