"Oh fuck." Jimin cursed as the fruit tipped over and fell all over the floor.

That's when Yoongi lost his cool.

Jimin was too focused on cleaning the strawberry stain from his shirt that he didn't feel Yoongi slowly approach him.

It wasn't until his familiar scent and figure hovered over him that he noticed. "Eat. Your. Food." He slowly said.

Jimin smirked in a teasing way. It was unusual for him to approach him so close. So he was definitely enjoying this moment.

The last few days had been pretty depressing for him. Seeing Yuta with another man had felt like his heart was torn out of his chest. Suddenly, he made up his mind that he had cried enough.

At least for now.

The way Jimin saw it, sadness came in waves. At times it over flooded you with feelings and pain. Then, it slowly started to calm down and it got a little easier to cope with.

Today he happened to be above the water just enough to avoid a breakdown. And fuck it felt fucking great. He felt so good to not get up and immediately burst into tears. Sure, he had cried twice today, but that was progress. A huge progress for him.

It would take time and distraction. At the moment Yoongi happened to be a very good distraction. He looked up at him with an innocent expression.

"Say that again please. That was so sexy."

"I'm not playing brat. Eat your damn food. Taeil did not cook for you to build towers." He said slightly aggravated while pointing to the plate.

"Yes dadd—I'm so sorry. I will eat my food if you give me a price."

Yoongi scowled, "Tch, you filthy brat always making everything sexual."

"I do enjoy sex. Do you even have sex? Goodness. That's probably why you walk around like a pole is up your ass. Every now and then we need to release tension. Do you want me to help you?" He smiled.

"You're so bold for someone who is being paid to serve a drug lord. What would he say if I were to tell him all these things you're telling me?"

"I don't know. What would he say Yoongi? Maybe he'd join us. That would be fun. Unless you're not into men?"

He rolled his eyes annoyed, "Eat your fucking food. It's getting cold."

As soon as he said that, he stepped back in place. Jimin smirked slightly accomplished at the reaction he got. It was always amusing to see Yoongi outside of his firm I-will-not-hesitate-to-shoot-you face.

"Fine. After this you take me to a fun room though."

When Jimin was finished, Yoongi escorted him to the library. Apparently his face of disapproval was obvious enough.

"I said a fun room you stupid dog." He huffed crossing his arms.

"Books are fun and we've established that knowledge isn't your strongest trait."

"You do not talk to me like that! You have to respect me and obey me!" He huffed while pointing his finger at him.

Yoongi calmly grabbed his hand to move his finger away from his face. Jimin was quite shocked at the warmness of his skin. Every time he looked at him he saw coldness and ice. He didn't expect him to be so warm and gentle.

"Actually, you're the one that needs to respect and obey me. You've got it mixed up."

Jimin wanted to say something, but he was tongue tied. It wasn't until he let go that his mind stopped racing.

"Whatever. I don't even read." He replied clearly a bit flustered.

"It's never to late to enjoy literature."

He scoffed, "Okay well who are you really? You act all mean and nonchalant, but you read? What the fuck?"

"I take interest in books. When you dedicate your life to serve one person you don't have time to do other things. You don't have time to go shop or party."

Jimin suddenly felt bad for even bringing that up. It had just occurred to him that he didn't truly know Yoongi at all. He didn't know how long he had worked for Taehyung or if he even had a life outside of here.

"Fine. What book do you recommend dog?"

He looked at him waiting for Jimin to laugh. It was hard to take him serious when all he did was constantly joke around.

In the end, Jimin did not say anything. Yoongi walked over to grab one of his all time favorite books. He knew the exact place where it was located.

"Wow, this seems pretty..." boring. "Time consuming."

"You asked for suggestions."

Jimin wrinkled his nose disappointed. He didn't have to read the book either way. It was only to make him feel better.

"Yeah. I guess I did."

"Have a seat and start reading. Mr. Kim will be back shortly."

Jimin sat on a giant plush seat by the library window. He felt himself smile at the comfortable seat. He could fall asleep if he wanted.

"Where is he anyways? He's been gone since last night."

Yoongi kept quiet. It wasn't his place to be blurting out Taehyung's secret. As his right hand, of course he was aware of where he was and with who.

"Ahh. That's right, you can't say." He said while rolling his eyes. Then suddenly, his mind thought of something quite terrifying.

"Is he with him?"

Jimin waited for Yoongi to respond or react in a way. However, he kept still and expressionless like before. Fuck, he was too good it was impossible to read him.

In a way, he did hope that Taehyung was with him. He knew how much it meant to Jungkook. What he did was selfish and not right. He shouldn't have accepted his deal to begin with as a form of respect for his friend.

So, if Taehyung wanted to keep seeing him then that was okay. Either way he was the one here and not his friend. That was the only safe ground that he truly had.

It got him wondering whether one day he would fall in love with Taehyung. Would he ever feel what Jungkook feels for him? Would loving someone else replace the pain he felt on the daily?

In a matter of seconds he felt so alone. The wave was starting to get higher and he could see himself being submerged once again. He gripped the book tighter not wanting to feel everything again. Not everything at the same time.

"Are you going to read or stare at me?" Yoongi snapped.

Jimin felt himself relax a little. He stopped gripping the book and brought himself back to reality. The wave slowly crashed down in the distance and he felt himself breath again.

All because Yoongi had spoken.

"You just look so warm. Can I have a hug?" He blurted with a teasing smile.


Of course he expected that answer from him. Jimin chuckled looking back down at his book. It truly was sad because he really needed that hug.

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