You and Me

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Chapter 7: You and Me

"I think we broke her!" Chloe scrambled into the waiting Bomblebee armor and starting it up, the activation sequence was thankfully simple, they'd order it that way from the villain in New York.

"Nah, we know she's too tough for that, but maybe a crack or two." Chloe giggled back, pulling a grav pack on, no flight cap with the spares.

Bomblebee turned to face her partner,"I've got like no ammo in this thing. How are we going to get past Patriot Patty or whatever?"

Queen Bee pulled on her backpack over the grav unit,"We'll try the normal way, then do it the peacock way."

Bomblebee clamped her helmet on,"I don't want to do the peacock way."

"You think I do? We have to get through this."

"Yeah we." Bomblebee tapped Queen Bee's chest with one gauntlet.

Queen Bee smiled at the impassive helmet,"I'm not going anywhere without you, promise."

They took off together and made for the mainland. Night had well and truly fallen so they plunged through starlight darkness. Bomble's suit lights lit up the area around them, no sneaking with her thrusters going full out anyway. "Think maybe she left?" She asked over the com.

Queen Bee touched her earpiece,"Doubt it. Look for Ladybug to show up too."

"Wasn't she out of time?"

"You think that will stop her?"

"No. And neither do you."

Queen Bee laughed and corkscrewed around her partner in the sky. On the second spin she ran into a floating wall.

Majestia was no longer smiling. She had a handful of Queen Bee's jacket in an unbreakable grip,"What did you do to him?" The hero's tone was just short of a threat.

Queen Bee squirmed in response, kicking futility at the powerhouse, her grav pack shifting and straining to try to move one or both of them.

Majestia reached around and crushed both back and grav packs like tissue paper, leaving Queen Bee powerless in her grip,"Stop Struggling. You can't win."

"Ha! It's not about winning!". Queen Bee fought, scratching and heaving to attempt and break the hold,"It's about losing as slowly as possible."

The afterburner whine gave Bomblebee away as she came plowing into Majestia, and forewarned the hero simply held out a hand, catching the armored suit by the chestplate as well. Even at full thrust Bomble didn't budge the titan. She landed a single blow that turned Majestia's head, but did little more than stoke her anger.

"Where is Ladybug's partner?" Majestia growled, holding the would-be villains like an adult with two toddlers.

"Peacock." Queen Bee grunted even as she continued to struggle.

"No!" Bomble replied.


Majestia hauled Queen Bee in closer,"What are you babbling about?"

Bomble's speakers replied,"Let me show you." The gauntlet retracted from Bomblebee's right hand, revealing a black clawed glove and spiraling black dots. Majestia knew that sign too well and it held a special loathing in her heart. Her grip crumpled Bomblebee's chestplate before catching her arm to imobilize the cataclysm. There, despite the hero's normal restraint, armor plates buckled as well. Drawing a cry of pain from Bomblebee's speakers. Queen Bee moved in the momentary distraction, pulling her glove off and grabbing Bomblee's empowered hand.

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