Everyday is A New Day

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Lou took me to picnic today, he seemed really excited as he drove us there. When he wasn't whistling to the music playing in the car, he was smiling boyishly at me, lol..it was cute but I was surprised to see this side of him.
When we got there, he carefully arranged a blanket on the grass, then proceeded to place the food items on it, taking out the bread, fruits, condiments, cheese platter and wine from the picnic basket.
"I'm trying to recreate our first kiss," he said as we settled down.
"Only this time there's no sadness, plus you're not leaving before it's fully complete and I have made a solid impression" he continued with a playful grin.
We sat facing each other; our sides almost touching, our legs outstretched on opposite ends of the blanket.
"Okay" I responded smiling, trying not to laugh at the silliness of the idea.
He poured us some wine,
"To second chances," he said raising his glass, I couldn't help it anymore, I started to laugh making him chuckle as he clinked his glass with mine.

Later, he assembled some tartines for us.
We ate, laughing and talking about various things.
Having a good time generally.
I was getting buzzed, I popped a grape in my mouth and sucked absent-mindedly on it, slowly releasing its juice with a bite before sipping some wine with it. With closed eyes, I savoured the mixed flavours...oh it was quite good, my tongue swept over my lips to catch the drops of juice which had escaped. When I opened my eyes, I found Lou staring heatedly at my mouth...we locked eyes and he inched forward.

Placing his hand behind my head, his fingers combed into my hair and grasped. His other hand moved to cup my cheek, effectively trapping me in place as he claimed my lips in a fiery kiss which was coated heavily with lust. I could barely move because he controlled the pace of the kiss, whilst I clung helplessly unto his shirt, my senses getting transported to a different place and time.
The world around us seemed to dissolve as tiny jolts of electricity surged back & forth my brain and pelvis. A warm sensation slowly crept across my nether regions...I wanted him and I knew he wanted me too. Moving my hand down his chest to the top of his inner thigh, I began to caress the area through his pants. He let go of me suddenly and hastily placed his cam bag atop his groin, looking around alarmingly. It was amusing so I started to giggle,
“You’re trouble,” he said haughtily. I smiled bashfully, reaching for my wine.
“Do you want to leave?” I asked him suggestively.
“Yes, where?” he answered, his voice lathered with desire, giving me goosebumps. I swallowed hard.
“Your place.” I breathed.
He nodded, finished the rest of his wine and we packed up to leave.

He nodded, finished the rest of his wine and we packed up to leave

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Ps: Check Instagram page @evabby.vu for extra media, on travel highlights.

The Modella Twins: Eva's travel diaryWhere stories live. Discover now