"Yeah, just like that. Take my cock, baby," He said, his voice low and deep. She whimpered, and James brought his hand to his mouth, biting down on the skin of his knuckle as he fucked her.

Her hips connected with the edge of the surface, and she was sure blue bruises would be there by the time they were finished. Her voice grew hoarse from the moans, them nearing into screams. James gripped her waist tightly, the tips of his fingers turning a pale white.

"Can I c-cum? Please?" She begged, her voice barely above a whisper. James smirked at her through the mirror, and simply shook his head. She groaned and felt her need to release double as he reached around her, his fingers pressing onto her swollen clit.

She gripped the edges of the sink, her moans turning into quiet pleads. "Please, let me cum," She whispered, her eyes glistening over with tears.

"Beg more,"

She whimpered again, her cheeks turning into a bright crimson. "Please- James, please," His hand gripped the back of her neck, his hips hitting her faster and harder.

"Please, daddy,"

And in an instant, James twitched, and he ordered, "Cum on my cock, doll, cum for daddy,"

The two felt their orgasms bloom in their stomachs, and James' head fell back as soft, deep groans left his throat. His thrusts slowed, and Calypso's head fell forward, her legs shaking as she came.

James leaned forward again, his hands leaning against the counter this time. He took in ragged breaths, smiling at Calypso. She grinned back, her bottom lip clamped between her teeth.

He pushed himself into his trousers once he pulled them up, and pressed a deep kiss to her pink lips. He left the door ajar and lit a cigarette on his way to his at-home gym.

Calypso pulled on a pair of James' sweatpants, although she had to double-knot them around her waist. Along with a pair of grey socks, and her previous t-shirt.

Calypso was a very curious girl, and so, she was now peaking into the drawers of his desk and was astonished by the neatness of everything in his home. She flipped through a few papers noticing how his handwriting declined the more he wrote.

She grew bored quite quickly and left the bedroom after making the bed. She padded down the dark oak stairs, her amazement never ceasing as she looked at the house.

She heard noises from a room she hadn't been in, and her curiosity made her pad softly to the room. She examined the few paintings on the walls, smiling at the ones she recognized.

The noises got louder as she approached a wide door, and she gently opened it. The room was much larger than she anticipated, and in the corner she spotted James, hitting a punching bag. It smelled of cigarettes and cologne and she trailed further in, the room filled with workout stuff.

She leaned against the grey wall, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at James.

A thin layer of sweat made him look godlike, and his hair was tied back into a bun behind his head. He hit it, almost too skillfully. His jaw clenched tightly, and his eyes solely focused on inflicting as much damage on the punching bag as he could.

Muscles upon muscles rippled with every hit he did, and she absentmindedly bit onto the tip of her pointer finger. He hit it a few more times, and his chest rose with deep breaths, and as he turned, he felt his chest burn for a second.

She raised her brows at him, and he exhaled a shape breath through his nose, shaking her head. "You entertained?"

She nodded, "Mhm, and very turned on," James raised both his brows, taking the white gloves from his hands, "Yeah? Round two?" She laughed softly, "Not when you're this sweaty," She took a step forward, examining the room further. James dried the sweat from his face with a light blue towel, and she found herself entranced by him again, she stared at him with wide eyes as he dried the sweat on his chest, and down to his lower abdomen.

She swallowed, chewing on her bottom lip. She pulled her eyes from him, and then she peered out of the large glass windows, and she smiled as the sun beamed down on the green grass.

She spun around, "Let's go have a picnic," She clasped her hands in front of her lap, waiting for James to say something. He smiled, "Here?" She nodded quickly, and then he spoke again, "Can I go shower first?"

She nodded again, her smile wider than ever. She then pressed a kiss to his cheek and practically skipped up the stairs to the kitchen. She worked quickly, throwing strawberries and raspberries into the make-shift blanket she made with a blanket.

She dropped in a full carton of orange juice and two mugs, and she grabbed whipped cream along with Nutella. She slipped off her socks along with the thick grey sweatpants and settled for a pair of black boxers.

She giggled as she stepped onto the grass, it hugging her feet as she walked to a spot under a tree. She gently placed the blanket on the grass, rearranged everything till they were perfect. Then, she waited.

She didn't wait long though, James came strutting out through the back door and she watched him wink at her from afar, and then he stood still in front of the large pool filled with cold, blue water.

He lifted his hands above his head, and then he disappeared under the water. She smiled, propping her chin in her palm, her elbow in the grass she lay on her stomach.

He came up from under the water after a few seconds, pushing his hair back and his arms propped himself up onto the deck is the swimming pool. He smiled at her, and her smile widened. Then, she watched him push himself up, and he made it look so effortlessly. His arms flexed, and soon, he was out of the water and walking over to her.

"You raided my entire fridge,"

She giggled and nodded. James joined her, his skin beaming as the sun hit him. He played on his back, peering up at her with wide, blue eyes. The two didn't say much, mainly just looking at each other, and nibbling on pieces of fruit.



"You love me?"

He smiled, his heart clenching at her. "So fucking much, doll," She hummed, smiling. Her cheeks were starting to hurt from the smiling, but the more she tried to stop, the more she couldn't.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Go ahead, pretty girl,"

"I'm twenty-three today,"

Like a flash, James was sat upright and staring at her with a deep frown. She laughed, her head falling back. "You didn't tell me," She nodded, popping a piece of pineapple into her mouth. "Yeah, payback, baby,"

The man rolled his eyes, and Calypso then joined him in laying on her back, shielding her eyes from the bright summer rays. "What's something you hate a lot?" She asked, chewing on a piece of strawberry.

"Olives. It's like chewy salt water."

She laughed loudly, her eyes squinting shut as she did. The sound was music to James' ears, and he closed his eyes and basked in it for a moment.

"I don't like pickles,"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

She laughed again, harder this time. Her stomach hurt from the laughter, and James felt his lips turn up into a grin at her. "Do you wanna get married someday?"

"It's a bit too soon for that, don't you think?"

She tsked, rolling her closed eyes, "I mean, not specifically with me, just someday with someone,"

James shrugged, "Maybe. I'm not jumping at the opportunity though, how 'bout you?" Calypso shrugged too, pulling pieces of grass from the soil. "Maybe too,"

"This is all cute and everything but I'm being fucking roasted,"

Calypso giggled and leaned over to the man. He looked up at her, and like two teenagers, they grinned widely at each other. James pressed a kiss to her nose, "Happy birthday, doll,"

She smiled widely, her cheeks burning a bright red, she pressed a kiss to his nose, then to his lips and then forehead. James' eyes softened, his lips parted as he watched her love him.

And the two looked at each other for a while, with the warm sun burning their skin and their hearts set ablaze by the sheer presence of one another.

Calypso and the Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें