55- Ghost Town

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"This can't be good. It can't, it's all wrong." Cleo spoke quietly, the very thought of disturbing the stillness of the area frightening her.

Standing at the end of the stone road, looking out into the cluster of buildings and houses, the trio was rooted to the spot. None of them wanted to say anything for fear of their guesses being correct. They clung to the hope that their efforts had meant something, that they hadn't failed after all that.

"Where is everyone?" Charlie whispered, gazing across the expanse.

Cleo shook her head helplessly. There was no sign of movement anywhere. It was like a settlement that was abandoned all at once, only the shells of homes and the echoes of life remaining.

"What do we do now?" Andy asked, the only one brave enough to speak at normal volume.

Again, Cleo had no answer. They hadn't been prepared for a fraction of the things they encountered that night, how could they be prepared for this? To come back and see the base, the place that was supposed to be safe, empty?

"Should we search for..." Charlie searched for the right word, clearly not wanting to use "survivors."

Cleo was tired of the questions. Obviously they had no idea what to do or what was going on. But standing there wasn't going to help anyone. Readjusting her grip on the precious case, she started the journey down the now dim path.

They made their way cautiously. Their gazes swept the area, left and right and back again, trying desperately to find some sign of life, some clue that could suggest what had happened here.

Cleo's throat was dry, her steps difficult with exhaustion and dread. The pit of her stomach churned. She was starving, but more importantly, she was worried. Worried about what had become of this place and the people in it. Her arm ached from hefting the case, but she clung to it. It was solid, she understood it. It was important, and it radiated as much and seemed to cling to her as much as she clung to it.

They had to keep those circlets safe. That much she knew.

They didn't speak, walking continuously forward until they were mere feet away from the town hall. It looked pitifully small, smaller than Cleo had ever seen it. It had shrunk in the absence of the golden glow lining its base. One of the front doors stood ajar, like someone rushed in and didn't bother to close it.

"What do you think we'll find in there?" Andy asked, her voice low and solid.
On Cleo's other side, Charlie took a shaky breath. "I'm not entirely sure I want to know."

"Whatever happens," Cleo said, glancing down at the case she held, the thing so many had risked so much for, "we have to make sure we protect this thing."

They nodded, deciding to stay silent.

Andy went first, moving up the steps towards the open door.

"Wait," Charlie hissed at her. "We're just gonna march right in?"

Andy snickered a bit, which seemed relatively inappropriate for the situation. "How many times are we gonna have this exact conversation?"

Cleo almost smiled; laughed, even.

"Maybe when you stop being so..." Charlie waved their hand through the air. They were great with words. "Like this!"

Andy lightly rolled her eyes, a smirk still lingering on her lips. "What else do you suggest? We're arguing right in front of the doors, so I think we've ruled out total surprise."


"You gonna give me the "Stealth is our ally" speech again?"

"Guys, I think if anything we... we should..." Cleo trailed off, her train of thought barrelling down the tracks without her. She saw something- just barely- through the open door of the building. She took a few careful steps forward, craning her neck to see inside. She waved a dismissive hand at her friends, looking totally lost at her sudden change of attitude.

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