1. // I'm tired of feeling this way

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TW: smoking


The sunrise was peeking through all of the brow roofs in the small, abandoned neighborhood. It was quiet, except for some birds in the distance.

Wilbur slowly opened his bedroom window, making sure not to make any noise. Carefully he climbed through the window onto the brown and mossy roof tiles and closing the window behind him, leaving a small gap, just enough for him to get back in.

He lifted a loose roof tile and took out a half-full package of cigarettes and a small gas lighter. The brunette took out one of the cigarettes from the package and had to cup his hand above it to properly light it due to the wind.

While inhaling the smoke he saw the window slowly open beneath him and he froze. His dad hated it when he smoked and he would definitely get in trouble if his dad found out.

"shit- i-" Wilbur said but got interrupted by a head sticking out of the window.

"it's just me, disappointed?" techno said climbing up on the roof and sitting next to the taller brunette.

"I usually come here to be alone, you know?" Wilbur said slightly annoyed but relieved that it at least wasn't dad.

Wilbur looked at his brother's face through a layer of smoke, slowly rising and disappearing into the crisp morning air.

"And you're smoking again." The younger boy answered and reached out his hand pointing towards the cigarette between Wilburs fingers.

Wilbur passed his brother the cigarette and watched him take a puff and then cough uncontrollably.

Wilbur laughed, "was it really that bad?"

"How the fuck do you enjoy this shit?" The pink-haired boy asked, still coughing.

He put out the cigarette and got down through the window.

As soon as Techno got in he heard footsteps and voices. Wilbur was just about to go back inside when another head stuck out through the window.

"Wilbur, get down here this instant!" Phil said and his face was red out of anger.

Oh fuck- Wilbur thought while climbing down, into his room, facing a furious Phil.

Phil sighed "I'm disappointed in you." he said and closed the window.

"You're grounded."

Wilbur watched his dad walk out of the room, closing the door behind him.

He laid down on his bed and stared at his roof, imagining the mysterious night sky, filled with stars.

"Why am I like this?" He said loud enough so nobody else could hear.

He had absolutely no reason to feel this way. He had a father that cared about him and two brothers that he needed to be a good role model for, especially the youngest, Tommy.

Both him and Tommy were adopted so they connected on a deeper level, however, it was completely different with techno, Willbur had many times tried to get close to him but it never seemed to really work. Although Will wished they could have a good relationship he understood how Techno had to feel.

It couldn't be easy to live in the shadows of your own siblings.


Thank you so much for reading! 

This chapter was written by me and my friend, I'd like to thank her a lot for helping me.

Eat something and drink some water <3

Heres your hug

Vote to be pog :D

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