Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next morning by my alarm clock, I got up from bed and did my usual morning routine. Today I decided to wear a hoodie and sweatpants which I matched with sneakers and caught my hair up in a bun.

I had a couple minutes until I had to leave for the airport so I decided to go over my plan for the mission which was simple; I go to Italy, I check in the hotel room I'm staying, I stay there for the night, I locate the fucker, I go to them, I torture them until they're unconscious, and I simply bring them back to France.

And Boom, mission complete.

I heard a knock on the door which was probably my best friend since I was a little kid; Cara. I didn't have any friends growing up, so Cara was my only actual friend. She was going to drive me to the airport today.

I went down to get the door and saw Cara leaning against the door frame. Cara is beautiful, she's a bit shorter than me, she has straight light brown long hair, full lips, blue eyes, a button nose, and the perfect smile.

"Damn bitch, you look tired." Cara said before chuckling.

Yeah no shit "that's because I am sherlock."

Cara laughed, stepped in the house, and headed to the kitchen, she didn't feel uncomfortable with me nor did I with her. I grew up with her so we felt quite comfortable with each other, like sisters.

"Hurry up cranky!" Cara yelled while containing an apple on her hand.

"I'm done."

Cara laughed and felt like she needed to comment on my moody tone "you need alcohol."

"I do, however I don't drink while I'm on missions, you know that."

"Well technically the mission hasn't started yet." Cara said with a smirk plastered on her face.

I just glared at her and switched the subject. "Get in the car la pute or possibly put my shit in, I'm gonna go say goodbye to my uncle." Cara rolled her eyes while smirking and obeyed.

I went up to my uncle and said my goodbyes, before I headed out he yelled "don't dissapoint me kid!" I chuckled and hopped in the car with Cara.

On the way to the airport, we sang songs- well more like screamed songs on top of our lungs for the sake of enjoyment.

When we arrived at the airport, I said goodbye to Cara and promised I would text her when I arrived to the hotel I was staying at.

I finally got inside my private jet, greeted the pilot, and rested comfortably on one of the soft leather seats.

After a while of bordem, the plane finally landed. The trip was short considering the duration from France to Italy is about 1 hour and a couple minutes however it feels like a year when you're bored.

Once I got out of the jet, a Lamborghini SC20 waited outside to be driven by me. I got my shit, hopped into the car and when I turned it on it purred smoothly, I then sped away to the hotel I was staying in.

I arrived at the classy hotel and parked outside. I grabbed my stuff and headed in to go to the receptionist.

I started talking to the receptionist about my room. The worker told me to hang on for a second so I decided to text Cara that I arrived safely.

Once I hit send, I heard a familiar voice. One I did not want to hear.

"My, oh, my. Look who we have here, Eloise car brand! Long time no see, missed me?"

I want to kill myself.

I squeezed my eyes shut, raised and crossed my fingers by my side and started telling myself "this is not happening... this is not happening... this is just a nightmare.... this is just a nightmare... he's not here... he's not here... Luca fucking Conte is not here..."

Luca chuckled and in a quick second, he grabbed my hands that were raised by my side, pinned me against the wall, and pulled himself close to me. I could smell his minty breath and masculine smell from how close we were.

Luca leaned against me and whispered in my ear while my hands still rested in his tight grip. "Don't act like you hate me. You dream about me. You missed me so much that you had to come visit me. Not only did you come visit me in Italy, but you decided to stay at one of my hotels! Don't deny it darling, you need me."

"Oh yes! Please fuck me! I beg you! I missed you! I desire you!" I said while every word I said laced with sarcasm.

Luca looked down at me with a devilish smirk on his face, Luca was about 6'2 maybe 6'1 while I was 5'6. "See? That wasn't so hard to admit!"

"I didn't even know you owned this hotel, now I'm considering switching." I said as I glared at him. "I can't even believe you're a mafia leader" I mumbled while I rolled my eyes. "Well as much I'd like to stay here and chat with you Conte, I have far more important thing to do. Now if you'll excuse me." I said and in a quick move I spun us around whereas his back was against the wall and I was in front of him still in his grip which I broke loose from immediately after the move.

I left Luca behind and walked in front of the main desk again to talk to the receptionist.

I looked over at Luca who was leaning against a wall with his legs crossed and hands in his pockets. He winked at me right before he smirked and left.

I got my room key from the receptionist and headed upstairs to my room.

Tomorrow I had to wake up early since I was on a mission.

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