White Lies | four | false impressions

Start from the beginning

How could he look into your eyes and tell you all those lies, hiding the truth that could have changed everything in your lives back then, and to do it over and over again until it severed every bond that you had between one another?

So tired, you wondered to yourself as you let your eyes fall closed, giving yourself in to the exhaustion while wishing that everything would simply fade with time. You were half drifting away to the sleep that didn't seem too easy to come to you when you heard a sound blasting through the empty flat. It took you a moment to recognise it as the sound of your phone, and you made no effort to get up and reach for it as it continued to ring.

Silence fell for a moment when it finally stopped ringing, only to have it start again almost instantly.

With a tired groan, you finally left the shelter of your bed and dragged your feet back to the living room, finding your forgotten purse to retrieve your cell phone. The caller ID kept flickering on the screen, and you immediately knew that he would never give up if you would simply ignore his calls. Even if it would take him all night to do it.

"Hello, Jin," you reluctantly answered the phone with a sigh. A rough chuckle came from the other side of the call, and it took you a while to remember the time difference that applied between the two of you, that it would be sometime in the middle of the night for him while your evening was just about to start. Still, having him calling you at this hour told you that he had been waiting for this moment. Especially when he had been the one who was responsible for making sure that you would be seeing Taehyung today.

"Hey there, stranger," he said in return, sounding so hesitant and curious at the same time. "Where are you? Did you finally have the chance to meet him today? How did it go?"

Taking a seat on the nearest sofa with your call, you recalled the encounter you had with Taehyung today. You were instantly reminded of how it felt to see him again after so long. You remembered how your chest tightened when you arrived at the cafe and found him already waiting for you there, how it had taken you a moment to realise that he was real, that Taehyung was actually there, and that his presence was not just a figment of your imagination, despite the fact that you had been constantly dreaming about meeting him again.

And then everything else started to come back to you. The entire conversation that you shared with him and how the reunion had ended, and how every revelation happened through the talk you had with him had only been followed with more secrets.

"Yes, I met Taehyung today," you finally spoke on the phone. "In fact, I just got back. We talked all afternoon, then I went to take a walk around the neighbourhood for quite some time before I finally came home."

A beat of silence fell before Seokjin started to speak again. "And?" he asked you when you said nothing. "What did you talk about? What did he say?"

"He told me about Mina," you told him, sighing on the phone. When you caught no reaction coming from him, that was when you finally figured it out. "You knew. You knew about the deal that had happened between them, didn't you?"

You had your answer when Seokjin said nothing, but you still waited for him to admit it out loud. "Not intentionally," he finally admitted with a sigh, though you could hear the relief in his voice when he said it. "I caught them one day while they were on one of their so-called 'dates'. As someone who had known him quite well, it was obvious to see that there was no real connection between them. Then each time I tried to talk about their relationship or whenever I would bring up Mina while I was spending time with Taehyung, he would turn so angry, as if talking about Mina annoyed him somehow. Especially when I did it in front of you."

Suddenly you remembered all those days when you would hang out with your friends and Taehyung would be there to join you. It had always appeared as if he had wanted to keep Mina separated from everything and everyone. You had once found it odd, until he began to drift away from your circle of friends. At first, you simply thought that perhaps he had been so invested in his relationship that he was willing to let everything else go. It was one of the reasons why you had been so angry with him, after all. But knowing what you had come to know today, you were beginning to see things in a different light.

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