Sunrise on the Fields of Ypres

Start from the beginning

He thought he was going today but the next thing he knew he heard a gunshot and he was splattered by blood and the man fell to one side. My father saved his life, leading a group of twenty men to find the lost scouts, but they were too late. Mr Watson was the only man to survive, and that picture is a sign of his guilt. For failing his men. No George I don't tell you this to worry you, but don't carry the guilt like Mr Watson, don't turn into him. Men will die, men will get hurt. Sadly, it's a part of the war but make sure George you are not one of them.

Mr Watson was keen to move on the conversation, taking a seat on the other side of the desk and his face changing back to the man I met only minutes ago. He explained I was more than qualified and with the war going on he is happy to give me a trial, though under normal circumstances he would leave the job for the men. So, I start Monday, so I guess by the time you get this letter I will have started, and you will be in France. I always wanted to see France, maybe we can go after this dreadful war is over. Though not to Ypres, not to the shell holes and the muddy trenches where you are but to Paris. Wouldn't you love to see Paris George? see the culture, the buildings, try the food? Wouldn't it be lovely? I could just see us walking hand in hand through the streets of Paris, our love for one another beaming from our faces. We could go for our holiday, we could go and live there! We can do anything and everything George when you get home. Remember that George, remember it when you are cold and think you are alone because you are not. You have your wedding ring, sign or our love. You have my necklace, the locket my father gave my mother when he went to war. It has my picture in it, it has your picture in it. It is our hearts locked together forever, unbreakable, indestructible. And I have your George, not as glamourous but I have the silver fob watch passed down through your family. I hope you don't mind but I put our wedding picture inside it and carry it everywhere. I will keep It safe George and when you are home we will exchange them back. on the docks when your ship pulls in, I will be there.

I feel I should end this letter there, but there is so much more I want to tell you. Our families have got us some wedding gifts, and I know we said we didn't want any with the war going on, but they insisted. Here are the ones I remember. Father bought you a bottle of whisky, which I have posted on, I hope it arrives in time for you to pick it up. My parents also bought us a silver cutlery set. It's very nice, but I doubt we will ever use it. Your parents insisted that they got us a house, I said no but they insisted. So, if we can afford the payments, we will own the school across the road from the school. I knew I should have told you sooner, but I am sorry. Your parents didn't want me to tell you at all, so act surprised when you get back okay? Our families also bought us many other gifts, but sadly I don't know who they are all from without checking. I made a list, but when you get 23 bottles of wine it's hard to remember who they are all from.

Well, my dear, I am afraid that I must end this letter. I hope it finds you well and that you arrive safely. Write to me as soon as you have the chance. I want to hear all about the trip over and what it is like. I have never been on a ship, and know you always wanted to go on one. I can't believe we nearly ran away three years ago on that ship that sunk. I mean we were so close to getting on it, and we wouldn't have if it wasn't for your cousin stopping us leave. But now you are on a ship, maybe now as we speak. So, I hope it doesn't sink, I hope you get there safely and I will see you soon my love.

If these are the last words I say to let them be that I love you.

Yours always,


May 19th, 1915

To my sweet Tina,

It has been a long 5 days since I left you and so much has happened. First let me say that I did receive your letter and the bottle of whisky, as well as a food parcel from my cousin. So very welcome. So, let me start off by addressing your letter.

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