It was that man's ridiculous dream, a dream with high hopes of evolution and willpower to which even the country bowed.

Amongst all that, he promised me as a pillar connecting Japan with the world, but in the end, I ran away and tried to feel the world from behind a white wall that was getting longer and longer to see it made anyone who saw it sick and vomits.

How stupid parents are, using their own children as property, forcing goals that are impossible to achieve, and using their own privileges to achieve them. Subconsciously, he showed how pathetic he was.

In this vast universe, there are many hidden things that even science is still unable to solve. Our thinking is limited to logic only, but in history, no existence has dared to think what beyond logic and science is to make a multi-possibility breakthrough that—,






My mind is tossed around, it's sailing aimlessly. Subconsciously, I thought of many things at once and regeneration started to work on the burn I had. The pain started to subside and I could feel the strength to move my body starting to return.

Making a simple analysis of what had happened so far, I tried to formulate a hypothesis and determine the next step.

Accompanied by the sound of the waves getting stronger, lightning flashing everywhere, and the fire on the deck of the ship starting to spread rapidly, I sat by the special swimming pool priced at 30,000 yen for one hour of use.

Where did all this come from?

That's right, on the third day of this special exam, that's when I first felt the sensation of a mysterious terror from a strange existence hiding behind the trees and the darkness of the night, for now, I'll call it 'X'.

X, or whatever it was, kept haunting me, both in my dreams and during activities. Speaking of dreams, I have a suspicion that some of the people in the camp are having nightmares too.

As Horikita said that she witnessed when the earth was swallowed up by something like extraterrestrial beings, and the existence of a world that was completely different from what she could have imagined. Honestly, it's a very unbelievably interesting dream and I look forward to seeing it too.

Hirata's tone sounded a little low and I could feel the worry visible in his, and also especially with Kushida trying to keep her mask from falling off on various occasions while dealing with her troublesome classmates.

Then there was the case with the disappearance of the other class students as well as the teachers, leaving only class D students. It's annoying to think this is real, looks like we're in a different dimension to them.

The appearance of mysterious creatures like monsters from a different dimension, with forms and powers beyond my reach as a human.

I have to solve the mystery of where this all started, the anomalies and this mess.

For now, I seem to have to fly the helicopter on the helipad to a safe place. Soon this ship will sink.

Just as I was walking towards where the helicopter was, I could feel the presence of several people running towards the ship.

Judging from the situation, I could conclude that it was the D-class students who panicked at the smoke rising from the south, where the ship was anchored.


Something bad happened at the camp and led them all to seek safety here, taking refuge in the arms of comfort that exists, on this ship.

While thinking about the various possibilities, I quickened my pace towards the helicopter, before the sharp and intense sensation of my senses being sharpened, time seemed to slow down, and my nerves screamed to be alert for any bad possibilities that would happen.

That's when I looked up into the sky, where strange clouds gathered at one point and the lightning was getting stronger and stronger above them. Creating an object....



I froze, and my body was completely in shock, this was something that even I thought was..... insane

My reasoning was broken, when I saw a mystical form from a strange realm.

Lightning struck powerfully, like the rage of the great Zeus casting judgment and destroying the path of salvation that was in store for me. It obliterated the helicopter in front of me, and its explosion sent me bouncing pretty hard, crashing into the dark sea and crashing waves.

The clouds, form an object... or a majestic and cosmic being, an existence that is asymmetrical, mystical, and wonderful. Something like a flying hand threw a thunderbolt at me and obliterated my aim.

I drowned, as I faintly saw the wreckage of the destroyed helicopter falling right in front of me, it sank in the embrace of the fierce ocean waves.

I slowly closed my eyes, hoping that all this was just an illusion of the result of my inner hallucinations tired of this reality.

Well, it turned out to be true.... Death, is the only eternal salvation....for me

When The Night FallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora