Chapter Eleven

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The door burst open and Emily's eyes widen at the face


"Don't fucking Julie me Emily I been looking for you by your friends wouldn't let me in" Julie said

The blonde behind Emily groan and mumble "fuck"

Julie eyes wide not seeing the blonde there looking over at Alison then at Emily "What the fuck is going on" Julie shouted and Alison fly up

And her eyes widen, Emily takes up her wife's beater and throws it to her Alison slip into it and Emily puts on her boxer shorts and sports bra.

"It's not what it looks like we were drunk Julie," Emily said walking up

"No Emily no I can't fucking believe you do this, With this fucking bimbo you selfish piece of fucking shit you cheated on me with a fat slut" Julie shouted

"Oh hell no" Hanna runs into the room and slapped Julie across the face and Spencer hold her back.

"Julie Alison is not any of those I can't let you stand there and speak about her like that it was a mistake we were drunk" She looked behind Alison with pleading eyes "Yeah we were drunk I was a mistake" Alison mumble

"Mistake so you didn't stick your dick into her you didn't trip and fall into this bitch over there how could you after everything she put you through, " Julie said " Well I guess you pick the worthless piece and trash and her shithead kids," Julie said Everything was in slow motion

Hanna hit Julie across the face.

Alison lunch across the bed and tackle Julie and started to punch her, Emily freezes up.

"Emily do something" Ari screamed

Emily spring into action and pulled Alison off Julie and Spencer hold back Hanna

"Let me go killer I swear to god I'll bite off your fucking ear, Let me beat the shit out of her" Alison try getting out of Emily grip

"Alison please calm down," Spencer said

"That's all you have blondie I guess I hit a nail from what Emily told me you dated a lot of guys how does she know your not a slut those kids are not her I sure you don't even know the father bitch" Emily heard enough

"You will not fucking talk about my kids like that bitch I never asked for any of this you better thank god I'll haven't been let go else I swear I'll fucking rip off your head" Alison screams

"and to think I was gonna leave my husband do you Emily" Julie laugh bitter

Emily gasped and Alison get out of her hold and punch Julie in the face

"Nobody hurts my mermaid, Now you need to leave I swear I'll bury you if I see you around here," Alison said walking back and getting in bed

The girl looks at each other, They now saw a hint of "Queen Bee" Mean bitch and it made their spines shiver.

"Just go Julie you betrayed me, you're married I wish I never met you on that base," Emily said calmly opening the door

Julie just looks at her pleading and Emily just points for her to leave.

"Well that was a hell of a morning," Emily said out loud

"Well yeah I guess but that bitch deserves it, I wish I could of joining why did you hold me back Spencer" Hanna groan.

"Emily are you okay," Ari asked

Emily sighed " I just need some rest"

Emily left them and walk into the bedroom and Alison is laying

"I'm sorry, killer, I know but she just got me so pissed off talking about the kids" Alison cried

"Oh no Ali baby don't cry I understand why you did it I'm not mad " Emily hold Alison's hand and she whines in pain Emily turn

Emily got off the bed and walked into the bathroom and come back with a wet cloth

"Let me take care of you love," Emily said smiling

"You're always here for me, Always seeing the best person in me god I was so stupid, "Alison said

Emily sigh and throw the cloth on the floor and bring Alison to her chest.

"Don't be sorry just sleep Alison you may be tired"Emily kissed her forehead

Sleep princess, I got you....

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